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当初,丰田汽车公司从一个不起眼儿的小企业,发展成今天所谓“车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”的大公司,其成功的一个诀窍,就是公司善于理财,即“小气”和“吝啬”的精神。日本丰田汽车公司有这样几条规定:一、笔记用纸正面写完了,裁成四段订成小册,反面作便条纸使用;二、一只手套破了,只能换一只,另一只破了以后更换;三、职工在上班时。离开工作岗位三步以上的,一律要跑步,以节约时间;四、每次开会前贴出告示,告诉与会者一秒钟值多少钱,然詹再乘以开会时间,便是会议成本;五、抽水便桶的水箱中要放入几块砖,以节约冲洗用水。丰田汽车公司管理企业精神的可贵之 At first, Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. developed from an obscure small-scale enterprise to a large company that today is called “the road to the mountains must have a road and there must be a Toyota car.” One of the successes of the company is that the company is good at financial management. The spirit of “stingy” and “squeaky.” The Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan has several rules: First, the note paper is written on the front, and it is cut into four paragraphs, and the reverse side is used as a note paper. Second, a glove is broken, only one can be changed. Replace only after it has been broken; 3. When employees are at work. For those who have left the work position for more than three steps, they must run to save time. Fourth, a notice should be posted before each meeting to tell participants how much money is worth in one second. Then Zhan takes the meeting time and is the cost of the meeting. Put a few bricks in the water tank of the pumping bucket to save flushing water. Toyota Motor Corporation’s Valuable Management Spirit
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