A general surface-treatment-free approach to fabrication of alignment layers using a super-aligned c

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windforce9811
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We develop a general approach to the fabrication of films with unidirectional grooves,such as silicon nitride, silicon dioxide and aluminium oxide,in which the surface is not required to be treated.Super-aligned carbon nanotube (SACNT) film may be used as a template and as sacrificial layer,which is subsequently removed by heating in an atmosphere of air.The unidirectional morphology of the SACNT film turns into a desired film,which is found to possess the ability to align liquid crystal molecules.This approach also features high efficiency,low cost and easy scaling-up for mass production. We develop a general approach to the fabrication of films with unidirectional grooves, such as silicon nitride, silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide, where the surface is not required to be treated. Super-aligned carbon nanotube (SACNT) film may be used as a template and as sacrificial layer, which is succeeded by heating in an atmosphere of air. The unidirectional morphology of the SACNT film turns into a desired film, which is found to possess the ability to align liquid crystal molecules. This approach also features high efficiency low cost and easy scaling-up for mass production.
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