
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong448
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几年来,我部在抓卫生防病工作中,注意抓了卫生宣传。通过抓这项工作,提高了指战员对“预防为主”方针和做好卫生防病工作重要性的认识。增强了大家讲卫生爱清洁的自觉性。1973年以来,部队发病率逐年下降,昼夜发病率和传染病发病率均控制在上级规定的指标内,有效地保证了各项任务的完成。1974年以来,我部连续被评为师、警备区、省军区及贵阳市的卫生先进单位。过去,我们在卫生宣传工作中有过教训。1969年,我部某连担任军农生产任务。由于该连对卫生防病工作重视不够,在农忙的节骨眼上,发生痢疾流行。这不仅给指战员带来了痛苦,而且严重影响了军农生产。在同样的环境条件下,搞军农生产的另外几个连队,由于注意了卫生宣传教育,使指战员提高了对除四害、讲卫生、灭疾病的重要性的 In recent years, the Ministry of Health in the prevention and control work, pay attention to the health promotion. By grasping this work, officers and soldiers have been raised their awareness of the principle of “prevention as the mainstay” and the importance of doing a good job in disease prevention and control. Enhance everyone’s awareness of hygiene love clean. Since 1973, the incidence of the armed forces has been declining year by year. The incidence of diurnal diseases and infectious diseases has been kept under the control of the higher authorities. This has effectively ensured the completion of various tasks. Since 1974, our department has been continuously rated as the advanced unit of health in division, garrison area, provincial military area and Guiyang. In the past, we learned a lesson in health advocacy efforts. In 1969, some of our ministries served as military and agricultural production tasks. Due to the lack of importance attached to health and disease prevention, the epidemic of dysentery took place on a busy agricultural day. This not only brought pain and suffering to the officers and soldiers, but also seriously affected the military production. Under the same environmental conditions, several other companies engaging in the military production of agriculture have paid attention to publicity and education on health so that they can raise their awareness of the importance of fighting against the four evils,
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1 前言 屋面防水的构造可分为平屋面和坡屋面两大类。平屋面的结构层采用钢筋砼为主体材料,与坡屋面相比,具有节约木材、空间高度低、耐火等级高、维修方便等优点,在工业与
[本刊讯]美国洛杉矶市法医局毒化专家保伯·帕德(Bob Budd)先生,应邀于一九八六年十二月二十三日至三十日在公安部第二研究所讲学。参加听课的有全国各省、直辖市、自治区公