Report for Investigating the Characteristics of Population Growth in China

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  This report will demonstrate the characteristics of population in China using excel tool, additionally, make a comparison in the perspective of proportion of original cohort surviving and proportion of original cohort dying among date of China, America and Mudu cemetery where is the survey place to collect data. Moreover, the limitations in this report will be stated in the discussion part.
  A well-established concept has it that the rate of population growth in China have increasing prominent trend in the past decade years and the number of population almost maintain a rapid increase. Fortunately, the one-child policy that carried out in 1820 remitted the pressure of heavy population (Howden& Yang, 2015). Statistics of past decades have witnessed that (Wanjun, et al, 2016). As Wanjun (2016) and Chao (2013) highlighted, the economy and vegetation coverage have a significant relationship with population growth, therefore, the characteristics of population growth is a dominant element to be investigated, and, for better analysis, population data of China and America should be compared with to complete a contradistinctive study.
  3.Materials and Methods
  The materials that is population statistics of China and American incorporate date of birth, date of death, age and gender, which have been coped with to be a considerable detailed data such as proportion of original cohort surviving by excel tool. In the meantime, proportion of original cohort surviving and dying between male and female in America and number of population in every age group in China have been made to be figures, which can obviously reflect the similarities and differences of data in some case. Moreover, for further investigation, a survey that record data from Mudu cemetery have been done and this will be compared with mentioned data of China and America.
  4.Results and Discussion
  After finishing the survey and data disposing, the recorded data were input into excel and demonstrated as following. 100 decedent, who are all Chinese natives, were logged in excel and graphs, as well as graphs analysis. (Noticeable: the excel with detailed data will be upload with the report)
  Figure1: number of population in China
  In the figure1, the number of urban and rural population has a decline trend totally, moreover, the number of urban population is obviously more than rural population. Furthermore, proportion of male is greater than female in the countryside under most circumstance.As the figure2 showing, proportion of original cohort surviving in America has normally decrease with the age changing and the survival rate of male tend to higher than female slightly. Noticeable, in the age group of 5-10, the survival rate have distinct reduce. Then conjoining of two graphs can reflect that there are not appear the problem of aging of population in China and America, which is a healthy phenomenon for a country to cope with the population issue. Figure3 shows that male proportion of original cohort dying in America fluctuate significantly and the curve of female is smooth relatively, however, there is still a mentioned problem in figure2 that is high death rate in 5-10 range of age, Hence there are some causes absolutely, furthermore possible one would-be some disease that merely spread among children. In addition, in figure4, it is can be shown that no decedent in the 1-25 age group and the samples almost center on the 50-80 age group from data of Mudu cemetery. To compare with figure2, the survival rate is marked higher and the slope of curve move drastic, which can illustrate that survival rate in every age group is changing rapidly. There are some consequence can be explained from figure5 is that proportion of original cohort dying carve fluctuate strong and the death rate is nearly zero in 0-25 age group, which has difference with data showing of figure1 because 100 samples that is a little part of china population have restrictions to analysis powerful. What should be focused on is the difference range of decline rapidly death rate between China and America, which can be proved by figure1, figure2 and figure3.   To sum up, the model of population increasing in China is transforming from High-Low-High model to Low-Low-Low model that is respected to be became , which means low birth rate, low death rate and low population growth rate. However, there are still some limitations in terms of the restrict number of sample and the nature disaster. For instance, the curve of figure4 from too limited Chinese group have a various difference with curve of population growth in China. Moreover, the nature disaster such as earthquake will lead to a mount of irregular death, which would-be influent the investigation in some circumstance. Therefore, in the further study, the number of sample should be enlarged sufficiently, meantime, avoiding places where suffer nature disaster with high frequency.
  5.Reference list
  Chao, L., Yaoqiu, K., Ningsheng, H., & Chao, Z 2013, 'The Long-Term Relationship between Population Growth and Vegetation Cover: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Panel Data of 21 Cities in Guangdong Province, China', International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 2, AGRIS, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 March 2016.
  Howden, D., & Zhou, Y 2015, 'Why did China's population grow so quickly?’ Independent Review, 2, p. 227, General OneFile, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 March 2016.
  Yao, W.,Kinugasa, T., &Hamori, S 2013, 'An empirical analysis of the relationship between economic development and population growth in China', Applied Economics, 45, 33, pp. 4651-4661, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 March 2016
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