
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojianan1987
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The complex(2-pyridinecarboxylato) 2 diphenyltin?was synthesized by the reaction of 2-pyridinecarboxylic acids with the diphenyltin?oxide.The crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction.The crystal belongs to monoclinic with space group P2 1 /n,a=1.46504(19)nm,b=1.01225(13)nm,c=1.45406(19)nm,β=94.849(2)°,Z =4,R 1 =0.0285,w R 2 =0.0672.In this complex,the tin ato m rendered six-coordinate in a distorted octahedron geometry.Eac h central tin atom is surrounded equatorial by two oxygen atoms coming fro m two carboxyl groups,one nitrogen atom c oming from pyridinyl group and one carbon atom of the penyl group and axially by one carbon atom of the phenyl group and one nitrogen atom coming from pyridinyl group.CCDC:180021. The complex (2-pyridinecarboxylato) 2 diphenyltin? Was synthesized by the reaction of 2-pyridinecarboxylic acids with the diphenyltin? Oxide. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction. The crystal belongs to monoclinic with space group P2 1 / n, a = 1.46504 (19) nm, b = 1.01225 (13) nm, c = 1.45406 (19) nm, β = 94.849 (2) °, Z = 4, R 1 = 0.0285, w R 2 = 0.0672.In this complex , the tin ato m rendered six-coordinate in a distorted octahedron geometry. Eh h central tin atom is surrounded equatorial by two oxygen atoms coming fro m two carboxyl groups, one nitrogen atom c oming from pyridinyl group and one carbon atom of the penyl group and axially by one carbon atom of the phenyl group and one nitrogen atom coming from pyridinyl group. CCDC: 180021.
聚乙二醇酸(Polyglycolic acid)制成可吸收缝线,在近十年来已广泛应用于眼科手术,如白内障摘除,眼斜视矫正术,整形手术等,为了探讨可吸收缝线在角膜移植上应用之可能性,本实
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刘荣升,又名华堂,字廷保,北京人,生于1900年,卒于1965年。他于1938年12月22日在成都春熙大舞台登台,极受欢迎,是当时成都最卖座的京剧演员。他的嗓音宽、亮、醇,在没有 Liu
李某,女,22岁,已婚,农民。1987年7月21日妊娠足月在我院产科待产。病史: 患者生后其父母发现双眼球较大,前突。随年长眼球突出明显,双眼向外偏斜。听力差,时有耳鸣。智力尚