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从企业集团的发展历史来看,西方国家的企业集团具有两重性质。一方面,它适应了社会化大生产高度发展的需要,另一方面又是资本主义由竞争走向垄断的产物。我国企业集团虽然也是社会化大生产和商品经济条件下的必然产物,但与西方国家企业集团产生的经济条件不同:一是生产力水平不同。我国没有经历过资本主义自由竞争、社会生产力迅猛发展的阶段,生产水平是多层次的,参差不齐,企业间的经济实力很不平衡;二是生产关系不同,我国的经济是以生产资料公有制为基础的,具有很大的优越性,但所有制形式还不够完善,传统的小生产的经营方式还普遍存在;三是商品经济还不够发达,市场机制还不完善。因而在我国发展企业集团,必然具有中国特色。就是要从符合我国社会主义初级阶段的国情实际出发,既不应照搬西方和日本垄断集团的模 From the perspective of the history of the development of enterprise groups, the enterprise groups in the Western countries are of a dual nature. On the one hand, it adapts to the highly developed needs of large-scale socialized production, and on the other hand, it is the product of capitalism from competition to monopoly. Although China’s enterprise groups are also inevitable products under the conditions of socialized large-scale production and commodity economy, they differ from the economic conditions produced by enterprise groups in Western countries: First, the level of productivity is different. China has not experienced the period of free competition of capitalism and the rapid development of social productivity. The level of production is multi-level, uneven, and the economic strength among enterprises is very uneven; second, the production relationship is different, and our economy is based on the public ownership of means of production. Based on it, it has great advantages, but the form of ownership is still not perfect, and the traditional mode of operation of small-scale production still exists. Third, the commodity economy is not yet sufficiently developed, and the market mechanism is still not perfect. Therefore, the development of enterprise groups in China will inevitably have Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to proceed from the reality of China’s national conditions in line with China’s initial stage of socialism. We should not copy the models of the monopolies of the West and Japan.
体感性诱发电位(Somatosensory evoked ps-tentia简称SEP)指应用电子计算机技术,在给予神经末梢刺激后,于对侧头皮记录到的大脑皮层电位活动。它首先由Dowson发现,当Gibilin
我科于1981年5月治疗1例颅咽管瘤合并鞍内脓肿,现报告如下。 孙××,女,50岁,家务,因头痛呕吐7个月,于1981年5月15日入院。7个月前曾感冒发热1次,以后出现头痛呕吐。3个月后
一、二年来的一般情况 1959年广州全軍卫生专业訓练工作会議以来,我們的卫生专业訓练形势是好的。大家情緒高,干劲大,信心足,軍委的訓练方針和林总对訓练工作一系列的指示,
国内文献报道脑底异常血管网症的病理剖检材料较少。现将我们遇到的1例报告如下: 患者 男,38岁,工人,突然昏迷,左侧偏瘫5小时,1976年11月20日入院。患者于早晨6时买饭回宿舍