学习解放軍 学习“大庆”——开展以五好为中心的比学赶帮运动 全面超額完成1964年增产节約計划

来源 :建筑材料工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guosheng_741
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在部召开的建筑材料工业工作会議以后,我們立即向全厂职工传达了会議內容,号召全体职工,认真学习解放軍和大庆油田的經驗,以革命的精神做好工作,办好企业,保証全面超額完成1964年国家計划和增产节約計划。全厂职工經过去年以阶級和阶級斗爭为中心內容的社会主义教育,又学习了解放軍和大庆油田的經驗以后,思想觉悟有了很大提高,热情充沛,干劲十足。又听到部領导在“建材”会議上提出要玻陶行业各厂矿向我厂学习,更受到莫大鼓舞,一致表示一定要虛心学习先进經驗,以解放軍和大庆油田作鏡子,对照检查自己的工作,克服缺点,堵塞漏洞,力爭先进更先进,上游再上游。經过近一个月的认真学习,切实討論,已經落实了1964年的国家計划和增产节約計划,提出了今年的奋斗目标和保 After the Ministry of Building Materials Industry Work Conference held by the Ministry, we immediately conveyed the content of the meeting to the employees of the whole plant, called on all employees, studied the experience of the People’s Liberation Army and the Daqing Oil Field earnestly, did a good job in the spirit of revolution, and managed the company well to ensure that the company was fully over-qualified. Completion of the 1964 National Plan and Increased Production Savings Plan. Through the socialist education centered on class and class struggle last year and the experience of the People’s Liberation Army and the Daqing Oil Field, the entire factory worker has greatly improved his ideological consciousness, and is full of enthusiasm and energy. At the “Building Materials” conference, they also heard that the leaders of the glass building industry had asked various factories and mines of the glass industry to learn from our factory. They were even encouraged by this. They unanimously expressed that they must learn modestly from advanced experience and use the People’s Liberation Army and Daqing Oilfield as mirrors to check their own Work, overcome shortcomings, plug loopholes, strive to be advanced and advanced, and then upstream. After nearly a month of earnest study and practical discussion, the National Plan for 1964 and the Production Savings Saving Plan have been implemented, and this year’s goals and guarantees have been put forward.
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亲爱的偶像:  我从高中开始听你的音乐。某一年夏天,我在朋友的车上第一次听到你的歌,年少的我第一印象,“这人怎么这样唱歌呢?”说不上好不好听,爽朗的歌声既难以掳获少女的心;毕竟从未被社会束缚过的我,当然也不懂和自己私奔的快活之处。  一次意外误植了心中爱情定义的邂逅,我在朋友的家中看到了偶像另一块录音带,走不进别人的心,却意外地走进了你的抒情里,我几乎快要执着地爱上不优越的惨澹和平凡。夜深人静依附