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最近,有幸读到骆宾基同志呕心沥血三十载考证研究青铜彝器后所撰写的一部一反习闻、偏见和旧传统、旧学术研究的诸多论点的文字考证书——《金文新考》。此书由山西人民出版社出版;全书分上下两册,有《典籍》、《货币》、《兵铭》、《人物》四集,编作六卷,洋洋四十余万言。此书出版应属祖国学术界“继承与发展”中的大事。尤其可贵的是贯串于全书中的勇于探索的精神,令人扼腕赞叹。由于作者以马列主义唯物历史观思想为指导,对古五帝金文与唐虞金文的反复思考、分析、研究和整理,作重新辩证地再认识,对古代典籍如《尚书》、《史记》、《春秋左传》《水经注》等广征博引,并尽量利用考古资料,特别是利用建国以来考古学方面的新成果,使历史学、文字学与考古学相互印证参照,从而有可能拨开祖国上古史的重重迷雾,让人们惊奇地发现,“从前没有看到的东西,现在到处都露出了自己的痕迹,……于是他们在最旧的东西中发现了最新的东西”。半个多世纪以前,在中国旧历史学、考古学、文字学三方面 Recently, I was fortunate enough to read Comrade Luo Binji’s painstaking efforts in his 30 years of research on the bronze Yi instrument, a textual criticism of a number of arguments on anti-etiquette, prejudice, and old traditions and old academic studies. The book is published by Shanxi People’s Publishing House; the book is divided into two volumes, there are four sets of “classic”, “currency”, “Bing Ming”, “character”, composed of six volumes, ocean four hundred thousand words. The publication of this book should belong to the major event in the inheritance and development of the academia in the motherland. Particularly valuable is the spirit of courage to explore throughout the book, it is a deserved praise. As the author, guided by the Marxist-Leninist materialist conception of history, re-dialectically re-thinking, analyzing, studying and arranging the ancient Five Emperors and the Tang Yu Jinwen, re-understanding the ancient books such as Shangshu, Shi Ji, Spring and Autumn Zuozhuan “and” Shuijing Jing “etc., and make full use of archaeological materials. In particular, making use of the new achievements in archeology since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we can make a reference to history, philology and archeology, so that it is possible to dial The mystery of the ancient history of the motherland made people amazed to discover that ”things that were not seen in the past have now revealed their own traces everywhere ... and they have found the latest in the oldest things." More than half a century ago, in China’s old history, archeology and philology
——有线电视网能为我们带来什么 不确定的时代,博弈的格局,多可能的选择。 技术的进步,拉动了新的需求,带动了体制的变革,打破了小酌低唱的宁静,直至动摇了旧有的平衡。原本
摘要:本文总结出培养小学生创新思维的三种有效途径:在质疑中培养学生的思维、在想象中发展学生的思维、摆脱束缚培养学生的思维。  关键词:小学教学;创新思维;培养  中图分类号:G420文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)09-021-1  在2009年教师节前夕,温总理在北京市一个中学教师代表的座谈会上,理性地比较了国内外的学生,指出中国的学生缺失实践能力和创新精神,这一切不怪孩
胖胖猪想当建筑师,设计一座很高很高的房子。住在里面,那该多开心呀!  胖胖猪去了建筑师的家。建筑师戴着眼镜,正在画图纸。  胖胖猪想,这不难呀!他赶紧到店里买了眼镜、笔和纸。  第二天,胖胖猪又去建筑师家。建筑师正在读一本厚书。  胖胖猪拉着板车来到书店,买了许多厚书。  胖胖猪戴上眼镜,读厚厚的书。其实,他一点也读不懂。  黑狗看到胖胖猪,说:“呀,你真像一个建筑师。”  胖胖猪听了,高兴得咧开
科学发展观是我们党从新世纪新阶段党和国家事业发展全局出发提出的重大战略思想,是全面建设小康社会的指导方针。科学发展观强调以人 The scientific concept of developme
每一个学生都是独特的生命个体,我们鼓励他们自主发展、自我塑造。希望孩子们能够绽放出属于自己的绚烂的生命之花。史家小学分校滕亚杰校长 Every student is a unique lif