X-ray Diffractions of Deformation Structurein Polycrystalline Fe-32Mn-5Si Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianfong
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The change of microstructure with strain was investigated in a Fe-32Mn-5Si austenitic alloy at room temperature by X-raydiffraction profile analysis. The experimental results show that the Fe-32Mn-5Si alloy is deformed by the strain-induced γ→εtransformation and the twinning except disiocation slip at room temperature. The amount of strain-induced ε-martensite. thestacking fault probability and the twinning probabifity all exhibit parabolic relationship with increasing strain. The stackingfault probability is higher than the twinning probability. The change of microstructure with strain was investigated in a Fe-32Mn-5Si austenitic alloy at room temperature by X-raydiffraction profile analysis. The experimental results show that the Fe-32Mn-5Si alloy is deformed by the strain-induced γ → εtransformation and the twinning except disiocation slip at room temperature. The amount of strain-induced ε-martensite. the stacking fault probability and the twinning probabifity all exhibit parabolic relationship with increasing strain. The stackingfault probability is higher than the twinning probability.
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