Estimation of Direct Carbon Emissions from Chinese Forest Fires

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:surtacohen1
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Many studies indicated that the products of biosphere burning have short and long-term effectson the atmosphere. Vegetation burning can produce some gases which have significant influence onenvironment, including some greenhouse gases as CO2 and CH4, etc. Smoke aerosols produced fromburning also influence global climate and atmospheric chemistry. The paper calculates the consumedbiomass due to forest fires according to the statistics of forest fires from 1991 to 2000 and research resultsof biomass of Chinese forests. During the study period, forest fires burned average 5 Tg ~7 Tg biomasseach year and directly emitted 20.24 Tg~28.56 Tg carbon. In 1991~2000, average emission of carbondioxide and CH4 account for 2.7%~3.9% and 3.3%~4.7% of the total emission of China (calculating withthe data of 2000), respectively. Many studies indicated that the products of biosphere burning have short and long-term effects of the atmosphere. Vegetation burning can produce some gases which have significant influence onenvironment, including some greenhouse gases as CO2 and CH4, etc. Smoke aerosols produced fromburning also influence global climate and atmospheric chemistry. The paper calculates the estimated mass of forest fires according to the statistics of forest fires from 1991 to 2000 and research results of biomass of Chinese forests. During the study period, forest fires burned average 5 Tg ~ 7 Tg biomasseach year and directly emitted 20.24 Tg ~ 28.56 Tg carbon. In 1991 ~ 2000, average emission of carbondioxide and CH4 account for 2.7% ~ 3.9% and 3.3% ~ 4.7% of the total emission of China (calculated with the data of 2000), respectively.