赵琴接替宁述勇 沃尔沃公关进入“女权”时代

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在2016年年底加入沃尔沃中国区,任企业传播总监一职的赵琴将接替宁述勇,出任沃尔沃亚太区企业传播副总裁。在这个职位上,一般都是以男性居多,而沃尔沃这次任命到底是怎么想的呢?翻开赵琴的履历,会让所有人吃惊,确实没有比她更懂北欧精神、北欧文化。在加入沃尔沃之前,曾长期任职于另一家瑞典百年企业斯凯孚(SKF)。斯凯孚(SKF)集团,其总部设立于瑞典哥特堡,是目 At the end of 2016, Zhao Qin, who joined Volvo China as a director of corporate communications, will take over as the vice president of corporate communications at Volvo Asia Pacific. In this position, the majority are generally male, and Volvo’s appointment in the end is how to think? Open Zhao Qin resume, will make everyone surprised, did not know more than she know Nordic spirit, Nordic culture. Before joining Volvo, he worked for another long-time Swedish SKF company. SKF Group, headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, is the destination
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案例:  刘兵大学毕业后留在北京某公司工作,巨大的竞争压力,让他做梦都想考回家乡去。公务员考试、事业单位考试,每一次的结果都令他失望。年龄越来越大,男大当婚,年迈的父母催得急,刘兵不得不开始考虑自己的婚姻大事。  徐莹出现在刘兵眼前时,他觉得这就是自己想要的姑娘。有了女友,刘兵的生活变得丰富多彩,考试的愿望慢慢淡了下来,他开始准备存钱,打算在这个繁华的城市里安个家。  不久,老家新一轮的事业单位招
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