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现将国务院《关于努力增收节支确保今年财政赤字不突破三十亿元的通知》转发给你们,并结合我省情况,提出如下要求,望认真贯彻落实。我省今年一至八月财政情况不够好,要完成今年财政预算,实现收支平衡,任务十分艰巨。在最近召开的专员市长会议上,讨论了今后几个月的生产和财政问题,提出了增产增收和节约增收的措施,对国务院责成财政部下达我省今年下半年财政收支计划,进行了落实。省人民政府要求今年工商各税收入要比年计划超收一亿元以上,企业收入要力争完成全年计划,完成好的地区和部门要力争多超。下半年各项财政支出,除救灾、调整工资、城市维护等不可比因素外,属于正常的行政事业费支出不得 Now the State Council, “on efforts to increase revenue and reduce expenditure to ensure that the fiscal deficit does not exceed three billion yuan notice” forwarded to you, combined with the situation in our province, put forward the following requirements, hopefully conscientiously implement. The financial situation of our province from January to August this year is not good enough. To complete the budget for this year and achieve a balance of payments, the task is extremely arduous. At a recent meeting of mayors of Mayors, the issues of production and finance in the next few months were discussed, measures for boosting production and incomes and saving revenue were put forward. Measures were taken to instruct the State Council to order the Ministry of Finance to issue a fiscal revenue and expenditure plan for the second half of this year for the State Council implement. Provincial People’s Government requires that the tax revenue of the industrial and commercial enterprises exceed the annual plan by over 100 million yuan this year. The revenue of the enterprises should strive to complete the annual plan and accomplish well in the regions and departments to strive for greater success. In the second half of the fiscal expenditures, in addition to disaster relief, wage adjustments, urban maintenance and other incomparable factors, the normal administrative expenses can not be excluded
1964年黑点银纹夜蛾Plusia nigrisigna Walker在甘肃省不少地区豌豆地内猖獗为害。陇南各地尤甚,以成县为例:几乎遍及全县山、川地带所有公社。有些地块的幼虫每平方米达278
在自然或半控制的情况下观察水稻三化螟的繁殖力及存活率,对发生数量、为害程度的预测很有参考价值。我们在这方面进行了长期观察,有几种方法比较简便,介绍如下: 一、产卵量
1 医疗保健机构在卫生防病工作中的地位和作用 依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法实施办法》附则的规定,医疗保健机构:指医院、卫生院(所)、门诊部(所)、疗养院(所)、妇幼保
大豆根蛇潜蝇Ophiomyia shibatsuji(Ka-to)(图1)主要为害大豆使大豆减产。据对黑龙江垦区35个农场调查,大豆受害率达20—100%,平均40%左右。为了解决这个问题,从1975年以来,我