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近几年,农作物秸秆成了农村的老大难问题。每逢夏秋季节.农民在田问焚烧秸秆,大地上到处浓烟弥漫。在地处济青高速公路沿线和毗邻济南机场的地区焚烧秸秆,还会影响高速路和机场的正常运行。如何减少污染、变废为宝,历城区的做法是以实施省科技厅可持续发展十大科技示范工程,即作物秸秆综合利用及产业化开发研究与示范项目为契机,抓好项目实施,确保项目书提出的任务目标要求落到实处。区科技局协调农口有关部门和乡 In recent years, crop stalks have become a chronic problem in rural areas. During the summer and autumn, peasants burned straw in Tian and filled with thick smoke everywhere on the earth. Burning straw along the Jinan-Qinghai Expressway and in the area adjacent to Jinan Airport will also affect the normal operation of expressways and airports. How to reduce pollution and turn waste into treasure? The approach of Licheng District takes the opportunity of implementing the ten scientific and technological demonstration projects of sustainable development of Provincial Science and Technology Department, that is, the research and demonstration project of comprehensive utilization of crop stalks and industrialization development, ensuring the implementation of the project and ensuring Project objectives proposed by the task objectives put in place. District Science and Technology Bureau to coordinate the relevant departments and rural areas
由广州亚残运会组委会和世博中国关爱生命共享阳光组委会共同主办的主题为“牵手上海世博会,相约广州亚残运会”宣传活动启动仪式7月28日在世 Sponsored by the Guangzhou A
足球皇帝贝肯鲍尔曾说:"在绿茵场上滚动的不是足球,而是黄金。"  一个月时间,世界杯就像台印钞机,国际足联与主办方南非便是印钞机的主人。据不完全统计,南非世界杯比赛期间,国际足联的收入将超过80亿美元,其中,电视转播权收入27亿美元,厂商赞助金约20亿美元,授权品牌产品销售约40亿美元。主办国南非间接性经济受益更是无法统计。  世界杯为企业提供了"体育营销"和"事件营销"的绝佳平台。数以十亿计的球
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