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一、选好良种。应选用优良品种冬芹,其中由意大利引入我国栽培的品种,具有叶色绿,叶片大、叶柄黄绿色,实心有光泽,质脆嫩,纤维少、品质优、丰产、抗寒耐热、抗病等特点,生长期120~150天,适宜广西各地种植,可在8~12月上旬播种,来年1~5月收获。二、播种育苗。播前种子要用清水浸种12~14小时,放在15~20℃温度条件下催芽3~4天,待80%种子出芽后即可撤播。播后约5~7天出土。在苗期要勤浇水,每次水量要少,保 First, choose a good seed. Should be used to cultivate good varieties of celery, of which the introduction of the varieties cultivated in China by Italy, with leaf color green, large leaves, petiole yellow-green, solid shiny, crisp, less fiber, good quality, high yield, cold heat, Disease and other characteristics, the growth period of 120 to 150 days, suitable for planting around Guangxi, can be sowed in early 8 ~ December, the next harvest from January to May. Second, sow seedlings. Seeds before sowing with water soaking 12 to 14 hours on the temperature of 15 ~ 20 ℃ germination 3 to 4 days, until 80% of the seeds can be withdrawn after budding. About 5 ~ 7 days after the broadcast unearthed. Seedling watering in seedling, each less water, Paul
目的 评价CT引导下125 I粒子植入联合全身化疗治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的临床效果.方法 34例中晚期NSCLC患者CT引导下行125 I粒子植入,后给予吉西他滨、多西他赛或培美
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生态果园即人、果树与环境的高度统一,人和果园回归大自然,减少对环境、空气、土壤、鸟兽、昆虫所形成的生态环境的破坏,这样的果园称之为生态果园。 Ecological orchards
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