争奇出新的“擂台” 购车一族的焦点 首届上海国际家庭用车推广展览会举行

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光彩夺目的两辆帕萨特轿车和一辆最新款的桑塔纳时代超人又一次受到人们潮水般的关注。在9月21日开幕的2000年上海国际家庭用车推广展览会上,上海上汽大众销售有限公司倾力展出的三辆展车引来数以万计的参观者、咨询者。同上海大众桑塔纳品牌一样,国内几乎所有的轿车品牌都在本次家庭车展上极力展示自身的风采。无论是属于中高档轿车范畴的上海帕萨特、广州本田 The dazzling two Passat sedans and one of the latest Santana Superman are once again attracting the tide of attention. At the 2000 Shanghai International Family Cars Expo opened on September 21st, the three exhibition cars exhibited by Shanghai Volkswagen Sales Co., Ltd. drew tens of thousands of visitors and consultants. Like the Shanghai Volkswagen Santana brand, almost all of the domestic car brands are strongly demonstrating their style at this family car show. Whether it belongs to the areas of high-end cars Shanghai Passat, Guangzhou Honda
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