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我走进神往已久的西双版纳,那茂盛而富饶的热带雨林所特有的氤氲气象直闯入心灵深处,令我这铁打般的汉子竟至泪光潸然,面对这大自然的美丽与神奇,一花一草一树一木都使我耳目一新、心旷神怡!闭上眼,那些惟此独有、惟此独秀的热带雨林景色,便成为线条的世界和色彩的海洋。于是我拿起了笔,反复斟酌、思考,又重重地放下……密林深处,芭蕉园里,直入蓝天的榕树和千纠百缠的藤蔓间,有我惆怅、焦灼、困惑的脚步,成千上万种叫不上名来的花花草草令我目不暇接,忘记了北京莱太花卉市场孱弱的娇艳。小寐于千年古树的根 I walked into the long-awaited Xishuangbanna, that lush and rich tropical rain forest peculiar smell into the depths of the soul, so that my iron-clad man actually to tears suddenly, in the face of this beautiful and magical nature, A flower and a tree make me refreshing, relaxed and happy! Close your eyes, but those unique, but the only outstanding tropical rainforest scenery, will become the world of lines and colors of the ocean. So I picked up the pen, repeated consideration, thinking, and heavy lay down ... ... the depths of the jungle, banana garden, straight into the banyan tree and a thousand twists and turns of the vine, with melancholy, anxious, puzzled footsteps into Thousands of nameless flowers and plants make me dizzying, forget the Lai Lai flower market in Beijing weak and delicate. Small sleep in the roots of the Millennium tree
Fluoran salicylaldehyde hydrazone metal complex(FSHMC)is a kind of recently reported photo-responsive system,which has the advantages of simple synthesis,multip
血液是人体宝贵的红色生命之河。现代医学研究表明,血液病人45%是自己导致的。因此,要使自己的血液之河不受污染、阻塞、淤积、损害,必须重视保护血液。 一、避免接触化学毒
The vast majority of reported MOFs are composed of two building blocks:one metal ion and one organic linker.In such MOFs,the metal-linker motifs repeat periodic
Mechanistic studies promote scientific development from phenomena to theories.Aggregation-induced emis-sion(AIE),as an unusual photophysical phenomenon,builds t