Self-assembly and chemical processing of block copolymers:A roadmap towards a diverse array of block

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdma00100
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Block copolymers can yield a diverse array of nanostructures.Their assembly structures are influenced by their inherent structures,and the wide variety of structures that can be prepared especially becomes apparent when one considers the number of routes available to prepare block copolymer assemblies.Some examples include self-assembly,directed assembly,coupling,as well as hierarchical assembly,which can yield assemblies having even higher structural order.These assembly routes can also be complemented by processing techniques such as selective crosslinking and etching,the former technique leading to permanent structures,the latter towards sculpted and the combination of the two towards permanent sculpted structures.The combination of these pathways provides extremely versatile routes towards an exciting variety of architectures.This review will attempt to highlight destinations reached by LIU Guojun and coworkers following these pathways. Block copolymers can yield a diverse array of nanostructures. Their assembly structures are influenced by their inherent structures, and the wide variety of structures that can be prepared especially became apparent when one considers the number of routes available to prepare block copolymer assemblies. self-assembly, directed assembly, coupling, as well as hierarchical assembly, which can yield assemblies having even higher structural order. The assembly routes can also be complemented by processing techniques such as selective crosslinking and etching, the former technique leading to permanent structures, the latter towards sculpted and the combination of the two towards permanent sculpted structures. the combination of these pathways provides extremely versatile routes towards an exciting variety of architectures. This review will attempt to highlight destinations reached by LIU Guojun and coworkers following these pathways.
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