HK to Benefit from Imported LNG Project

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moodlysea
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Hong Kong is expected to buy one third of the mainland’s US$ 10 billion worth of imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) to satisfy its growing energy demand, Mark Qiu, chief financial officer of CNOOC, said recently. He added Hong Kong will buy 1 million tons of LNG a year from the mainland’s first LNG terminal in southern Guangdong Province to fuel the power plants and household consumption in the region. Hong Kong is expected to buy one third of the mainland’s US $ 10 billion worth of imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) to satisfy its growing energy demand, Mark Qiu, chief financial officer of CNOOC, said recently. million tons of LNG a year from the mainland’s first LNG terminal in southern Guangdong Province to fuel the power plants and household consumption in the region.
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