The \\"Dark Self\\" in \\"The Secret Sharer\\" and \\"Heart of Da

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Human nature is one of the most thoroughly studied topics in human history.Even today the argument continues in all different social contexts,and by studying Conrad’s two stories:Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer,the author tries to analyze the two sides of the nature,both good and evil,which are inherent in us humans.In the essay the author explores the two heroes in the stories and tries to prove that only when we realize and admit our capability for the evil,can we make the good and kind side of nature to flourish. Human nature is one of the most thoroughly studied topics in human history. Even today the argument continues in all different social contexts, and by studying Conrad’s two stories: Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer, the author tries to analyze the two sides of the nature, both good and evil, which are inherent in us humans. the essay the author explores the two heroes in the stories and tries to prove that only when we realize and admit our capability for the evil, can we make the good and kind side of nature to flourish.
中国金属学会有色金属第一届能源、热工与热能学术会议于1980年11月27日到12月3日在成都召开,参加会议的有来自全国的设计、 China Metals Society Nonferrous Metals The
一、试验目的 在烧结配料中加入5%左右的消石灰,10~15%的高硅庞家堡富矿的“双强化措施”,经过鞍钢烧结工业试验结果表明,可以提高烧结矿产量和质量。但包钢的具体生产工艺、操