A phase-field model for simulating various spherulite morphologies of semi-crystalline polymers

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xukej
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A modified phase-field model is proposed for simulating the isothermal crystallization of polymer melts.The model consists of a second-order phase-field equation and a heat conduction equation.It obtains its model parameters from the real material parameters and is easy to use with tolerable computational cost.Due to the use of a new free energy functional form,the model can reproduce various single crystal morphologies of polymer melts under quiescent conditions,including dendritic,lamellar branching,ring-banded,breakup of ring-banded,faceted hexagonal,and spherulitic structures.Simulation results of isotactic polystyrene crystals demonstrate that the present phase-field model has the ability to give qualitative predictions of polymer crystallization under isothermal and quiescent conditions. A modified phase-field model is proposed for simulating the isothermal crystallization of polymer melts. The model consists of a second-order phase-field equation and a heat conduction equation. It tues its model parameters from the real material parameters and is easy to use with tolerable computational cost. Due to the use of a new free energy functional form, the model can reproduce various single crystal morphologies of polymer melts under quiescent conditions, including dendritic, lamellar branching, ring-banded, breakup of ring-banded, faceted hexagonal , and spherulitic structures. Simulation results of isotactic polystyrene crystals demonstrate that the present phase-field model has the ability to give qualitative predictions of polymer crystallization under isothermal and quiescent conditions.
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应中共中央总书记、中国国家主席和中央军委主席江泽民的邀请,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国国防委员会委员长、朝鲜劳动党总书记金正日,分别于2000年5月29日到31日和2001年1月15日到20日对我国成功地进行了非正式访问。他对中国的访问对于巩固中朝友谊具有重大意义。  对于金正日的这两次来华访问,朝方给予了高度重视,他们还为此专门发行了一套图案基本相同的纪念币。该套纪念币有金、银、铜币各一枚(均重3l克