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江西发现的隋代墓葬和六朝时期的墓葬相比较,不仅数量少,且有纪年的也不是很多。经统计,迄今为止发现的隋代墓葬约20座左右,多集中在樟树、宜春一代,出土的青瓷器约120件左右,其中有纪年的不上10座,出土的青瓷器约40件上下。《简报》中介绍的3座纪年墓(开皇十八年)从形制上看属带前后室的长方形砖室券顶墓,排列整齐,方向一致,形制结构相同,当为一家族墓地。其砌建方法和同时期墓葬亦一致,墓砖的纹样比较丰富,除时代延续较长、且较常见的重半圆与双线组合纹外,其他如龙纹、鱼纹、双鱼折线纹等还是比较少见的,随葬品(青瓷器)虽然较少,但时代特点明确,与纪年铭文吻合,这3座墓的清理,无疑又为江西隋朝墓提供了新的资料。此次发掘是在施工过程中发现的,时间紧,任务重,宜春市博物馆的同志在非常困难的情况下,较好地完成了此次发掘和清理任务,且能将此简报付诸于本刊,实属不易。目前,除了大型基本建设项目大多有省级考古所主导外,地市博物馆也完成了许多临时的抢救性清理任务,能做到及时将清理资料公诸于世供方家研究,夫复何求。 Compared with the tombs of the Six Dynasties, the tombs of the Sui Dynasty found in Jiangxi Province are not only small in number, but also not very old in their age. According to statistics, there are about 20 tombs found in Sui Dynasty up to now, mostly concentrated in camphor tree and Yichun generation. There are about 120 pieces of green porcelain unearthed, among which there are 10 pieces of bronze ware unearthed, about 40 pieces of green porcelain unearthed. The three grave tombs (Kai eighteen years), introduced in the Bulletin, are formally arranged in the same order with the same shape and rectangular structure as the cemetery of a family. The same method of brick building and tombs of the same period, the pattern of tomb tiles is rich, in addition to the longer period of time, and the more common heavy semicircle and double lines combined pattern, the other such as the dragon pattern, fish pattern, Pisces broken lines, etc. More rarely, the funerary objects (celadon) are fewer in number, but the characteristics of the times are clear and coincide with the inscriptions on the records. The cleanup of these three tombs undoubtedly provided new information for the tombs of the Sui Dynasty in Jiangxi. The excavation was found in the construction process, the time is tight, the task is heavy, Yichun City Museum comrades in the very difficult circumstances, the completion of the excavation and cleaning tasks, and can put this briefing in this It is not easy. At present, except for large-scale capital construction projects, which are mostly dominated by provincial archeology, the City Museum has also completed many temporary emergency rescue tasks so that timely clean-up information can be made available to the world’s donor research institutes. .
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