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采用数量性状的加性 -显性发育遗传模型分析了按 NC 交配设计的两套籼型三系杂交水稻单茎茎鞘干物质重的发育遗传规律。结果表明 ,在不同的发育阶段 ,单茎茎鞘干物质重在前期以显性效应为主 ,中期以加性效应为主 ,后期加性和显性效应并重。控制单茎茎鞘干物质重的加性和显性效应基因的表达不同 ,前者趋于活跃状态 ,后者则趋于停止 ,随着发育进程的推进 ,单茎茎鞘干物质重杂种优势趋于减弱 ,值得一提的是单茎茎鞘干物质重在发育后期具有负向的显著或极显著杂种优势 ,这与栽培生理研究提到的茎鞘积累的干物质充分向穗部运转相吻合。不同发育阶段单茎茎鞘干物质重与最终生物产量之间的显性相关趋于减弱 ,到生育后期表现为负向相关 ,且程度加大。 Quantitative trait additive-dominance genetic model was used to analyze the developmental rules of dry weight of two stems and sheaths of indica three-line hybrid rice designed by NC mating. The results showed that at different stages of development, the dry matter weight of stem and sheath of single stem mainly dominated the dominant effect in the early stage, the additive effect in the middle stage, and the additive and dominance effect in the late stage. Control single stem stem sheath heavy and dry matter weight additive and dominant effect gene expression is different, the former tends to be active, the latter tends to stop, with the progress of development, single stem and sheath dry matter heavy heterosis trend It is noteworthy that the dry matter weight of single stem and sheath had negative or significant heterosis in the late development stage, which agrees well with the dry matter accumulation accumulated by the stem and sheath in cultivation physiology . The dominant correlations between dry matter weight and final biomass of single stems and stems in different developmental stages tended to weaken, and to the late growth stage showed a negative correlation with the degree of increase.
“R130”是从“香粳 8718”南繁变异株中系选出来的迟熟中粳型的品系。我市 2 0 0 0年引进 ,经两年试种 ,丰产性好、抗逆性强、熟期适中。 2 0 0 1年全市扩大示范种植 3.2 6万
为加快小麦新品种更新换代步伐,优化品种结构,为我县小麦品种布局提供科学参考,促进种子事业发展,达到农业增产、农民增收的目的,特设立本试验。 In order to speed up the