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煤矿尘肺曾是联邦德国古煤矿的主要职业危害,自本世纪50年代末期以来,联邦德国就大力加强了对煤矿尘肺的综合防治。经过多年的努力,现已基本上控制住了煤矿尘肺。联邦德国在除尘、防治尘肺方面做了大量工作,取得了很大的成绩:随着机械化程度增加和高强度采掘作业的发展而带来的高浓度粉尘已得到有效控制,尘肺发病率和病死率也在逐年持续下降。据Boventer等人1954年的统计,联邦德国煤矿工人尘肺患病率曾高达19-20%,而现在却降至2%左右,处于世界先进水平,这标志着联邦德国已有效地控制住了煤矿尘肺的发生。他们的具体做法是: 1.加强煤矿尘肺的病因研究联邦德国在全国设有埃森研究院,煤矿职业协会矽肺防治所和其它防治机构,从事粉尘和煤矿尘肺的基础研究和应用技术研究。通过煤矿尘肺的病因学和发病机理研究,他们认为煤矿尘肺与环境中的粉尘浓度尤其是与粉尘中的石英含量及粉尘的分 Coal mine pneumoconiosis was once the main occupational hazard of the federal German coal mines. Since the late 1950s, the Federal Republic of Germany has vigorously strengthened its comprehensive prevention and control of coal mine pneumoconiosis. After many years of hard work, the pneumoconiosis of coal mines has now basically been brought under control. The Federal Republic of Germany has done a great deal of work on dust control and pneumoconiosis prevention and has achieved great success. The high concentration of dust brought by the increase of mechanization and the development of high-intensity extractive mining operations has been effectively controlled. The incidence and mortality of pneumoconiosis Also continued to decline year by year. According to Boventer et al., 1954 statistics, the prevalence of pneumoconiosis among coal miners in the Federal Republic of Germany was as high as 19-20%, but now it has dropped to about 2% and is at an advanced level in the world. This indicates that the Federal Republic of Germany has effectively controlled the coal mines Pneumoconiosis occurs. Their specific practices are: 1. To strengthen the study of the cause of pneumoconiosis in the coal mine Federal Republic of Germany with the Essen Research Institute, the coal mine occupational association silicosis prevention and control institutions and other prevention agencies, engaged in dust and coal mine pneumoconiosis basic and applied technology research. Through the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of pneumoconiosis in coal mines, they think that the concentration of dust in coal mine pneumoconiosis and the environment is especially related to the content of quartz and dust in dust
Background::Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a malignant hematological disease, originating from hematopoiesis stem cell differentiation obstruction and clonal p
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