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打开窗户,秋风扬起的灰,把我的脸吹得又干又涩。这扇窗户已经关闭很久了,表舅是三个月前住院的,屋里早就没有他的气息了,只有一股股的潮气从脚底下升起,我的双脚也开始发沉。我坐了下来,望着这套现在属于我的房子,不由得想起前天与表舅简单的告别仪式,心里有种奇奇怪怪的感觉,顿时觉得,心跳开始不稳,惶恐在神经上乱蹿。我用纸巾擦了擦脸,定了一下神,才觉得好些。从我记事起,我就没有来过这里,倒不是与表舅不亲,我妈活着时,单身的他常往我们家跑。有的时候偶尔路过这里,也没想进来看看,因为听我妈说,表舅下班后总不回家,而是在外面转,家无非是张睡觉的床而已。可这家收拾得非常干净,不大的客厅里放着几款深棕色的中式家具,卧室的家具也是中式的,再配上浅褐色的窗帘,协调的色彩和古朴的风格使这里的空间显得特别舒适。我想在这里居住的人应该是容易人眠的。但我不知,表舅是否能在这里熟睡,因为在床头柜上,我发现了几盒安眠药。我打开床头柜的第一个抽屉,里面整整齐齐地放着一叠小塑料夹子,一看就知道是他的各种证件,我拿起最上面的一个,是公园的月票,是他在世的最后几年用得最多的夹子。照片上的他显得很年轻,看上去不到五十,他的头发还很黑,眼睛也很有神,一个看上去很有气质的男人。用我妈妈的话来说,是他生不逢时,一表人才的他不仅没有立业,就连个家也没成。我 Open the window, autumn gray wind, blowing my face dry and astringent. This window has been closed for a long time, table uncle is hospitalized three months ago, the house has long been his breath, and only one unit of moisture rising from the foot, my feet began to sink. I sat down and looked at this now belongs to my house, could not help but remember the day before yesterday with the uncle just a simple farewell ceremony, the heart kind of weird feeling, suddenly felt that the heartbeat began to instability, fear nervous disorder. I wiped my face with a paper towel and fixed it for a while before I felt better. From my remembrance, I have not been here, it is not my uncle uncle, my mother is alive, single he often ran to our house. Occasionally passing occasionally here, did not want to come in and see, because listen to my mom, uncle always go home after get off work, but outside the turn, home is nothing more than a bed to sleep only. But this packed very clean, not large living room placed several dark brown Chinese furniture, bedroom furniture is also Chinese, coupled with the light brown curtains, coordinated colors and simple style of the space here Particularly comfortable. I think people living here should be easy to sleep. But I do not know if my uncle could sleep here, because on the bedside table I found several boxes of sleeping pills. I opened the first drawer on the bedside table and put neatly a stack of small plastic clips on it, and at first glance I knew all his papers. I picked up the top one, the monthly pass of the park, The most used clip in the last few years. He looks very young on the photo, looks less than fifty, his hair is still black, eyes are very god, a man looks very temperament. In my mom’s words, when he was not up to date, a man of talent not only did not get his job, not even a family did not. I
我是《中华遗产》杂志的一名热心读者,关注贵刊已有一年之久,十分感激能有这样一份刊物,权威而详尽地纪录出当今世界对文化遗产的人文关怀和社会责任感。 I am an enthusias
由于历史机遇,葡萄牙于1992年5年16日生效的《行政程序法典》(Codigo do Procedi-mento administrativo,下简称《法典》)注定要与中国行政法结下不解之缘,在《法典》基础上修
目的 观察丹红通精方干预下慢性前列腺炎患者疾病的转归与细胞因子分泌型IgA(SIgA)、血管细胞黏附分子-1(VCAM-1)的关系.方法 将70例湿热瘀阻型慢性前列腺炎患者随机分成2组,每组35例,治疗组予丹红通精方口服,对照组予前列舒通胶囊口服.4周为一疗程,共2个疗程.治疗后统计分析NIH-CPSI评分、中医证候积分、前列腺液中sIgA、VCAM-1及血清VCAM-1.结果 治疗组有效率87.
F rom July 2 to 12, 2006, “Common Feelings Link Chinese People Across the Taiwan Straits”, a culture tour co-sponsored by the Chinese Friendship Association t