“三方捆绑”形成共识 “三方推进”效果显著——2001年度省级医保定点医疗机构定点零售药店工作总结会召开

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1月18日,应省医保管理中心的邀请,记者冒着蒙蒙细雨赴闽候参加2001年度省级医保定点医疗机构定点零售药店工作总结会。一步入会场,记者就被一种热烈的氛围所包围,户外的寒冷被与会同志的热情所替代。想不到场面如此热闹,想不到领导高度重视!在会上,省厅医保处、省医保中心领导分别就去年省级医保定点医疗机构、定点零售药店工作和对参保患者问卷调查情况,以及医改新政策、服务管理工作等作了总结、通报、说明,省兴业银行、福州市平安保险公司有关领导先后就安装医院端POS机、省级商业补充医保理赔情况作了介绍。省劳动保障厅、卫生厅、财政厅领导出席会议,并作了报告。省卫生厅陈秋立副厅长通报了2001年我省卫生部门深化改革的情况,对整体推进2002年定点医疗机构的医改工作提出新要求。省财政厅俞传尧副厅长肯定了去年我省医改工作的启动与正常运行有效地遏制了公费医疗费用的恶性膨胀的现象,各级财政负担得到减轻,更重要的是医保对象的基本医保得到保障,群众对医改的满意率不断提高。省劳动保障厅宋建华副厅长高兴地说,这次会议的气氛非常好,坐在一起全面客观地 January 18, should be the provincial health care management center’s invitation, the reporter risked drizzle to Fujian to participate in the 2001 provincial medical insurance designated medical institutions designated retail pharmacies work summary. Step into the venue, the reporter was surrounded by a warm atmosphere, outdoor cold was replaced by the enthusiasm of the comrades replaced. At the meeting, the provincial health department, the provincial health insurance center leaders were last year, the provincial medical insurance designated medical institutions, designated retail pharmacies and the questionnaire survey of insured patients, as well as the new policy of medical reform , Service management and other made a summary, briefing, instructions, the provincial Industrial Bank, Fuzhou Ping An Insurance Company leaders have installed the hospital POS machines, provincial commercial supplements medical insurance claims made a presentation. Provincial Labor and Social Security Department, Health Department, Department of Finance leaders attended the meeting and made a report. Chen QiuLi, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Health briefed the health department in our province in 2001 to deepen the reform of the situation, the overall advancement of 2002 fixed-point medical institutions medical reform put forward new requirements. Yu Chuan-Yao, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Finance, confirmed that the start-up and normal operation of medical reform in our province last year effectively curbed the vicious expansion of public medical expenses and reduced the financial burden at all levels. More importantly, the basic medical insurance for medical insurance was guaranteed , People’s satisfaction with medical reform continues to increase. Provincial Labor and Social Security Office, Deputy Director Song Jianhua pleased to say that the atmosphere of this meeting is very good, sit together and objectively
1957年11月1日,新华社电讯:中国著名物理学家吴有训等电贺李政道、杨振宁获诺贝尔物理奖。电文中说:中国物理学家对这一可喜事件感到自豪! 由吴有训来发电报给自己当年的学
【摘 要】针对我国营造林方面的质量质量问题,本文对其影响因素进行分析与研究,并提出了营造林质量持续良性改进的建议对策。  【关键词】营造林质量;影响因素;建议对策  近年来,我国营造林总规模继续扩大,核实率、合格率、保存率、成效率及一些综合管理指标均得到不同程度的提高。但同时也存在一些不可忽视的问题,且一直制约着营造林质量的进一步提高。这些问题既有其客观上的因素存在,如立地条件、自然灾害等,但同时