Monitoring microarray-based gene expression profile changes in hepatocellular carcinoma

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a345333488
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AIM: To find out key genes responsible for hepatocarcinogenesis and to further understand the underlying molecular mechanism through investigating the differential gene expression between human normal liver tissue and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: DNA microarray was prepared by spotting PCR products of 1 000 human genes including 445 novel genes, 540 known genes as well as 12 positive (housekeeping) and 3 negative controls (plant gene) onto treated glass slides. cDNA probes were prepared by labeling normal liver tissue mRNA and cancer liver tissue mRNA with Cy3-dUTP and Cy5-dUTP separately through reverse transcription. The arrays were hybridized against the cDNA probe and the fluorescent signals were scanned. The data obtained from repeated experiments were analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 20 couple samples investigated (from cancerous liver tissue and normal liver tissue), 38 genes including 21 novel genes and 17 known genes exhibited different expressions. CONCLUSION: cDNA microarray technique is powerful to identify candidate target genes that may play important roles in human carcinogenesis. Further analysis of the obtained genes is helpful to understand the molecular changes in HCC progression and ultimately may lead to the identification of new targets for HCC diagnosis and intervention. AIM: To find out key genes responsible for hepatocarcinogenesis and to further understand the underlying molecular mechanism through investigating the differential gene expression between human normal liver tissue and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: DNA microarray was prepared by spotting PCR products of 1 000 human genes including 445 novel genes, 540 known genes as well as 12 positive (housekeeping) and 3 negative controls (plant gene) onto treated glass slides. cDNA probes were prepared by labeling normal liver tissue mRNA and cancer liver tissue mRNA with Cy3-dUTP and The genome were hybridized against the cDNA probe and the fluorescent signals were scanned. The data were taken from the repeated experiments were analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 20 couple samples investigated (from cancerous liver tissue and normal liver tissue) , 38 genes including 21 novel genes and 17 known genes exhibited different expressions. CONCLUSION: cDNA mi Further analysis of the acquired genes is helpful to understand the molecular changes in HCC progression and ultimately may lead to the identification of new targets for HCC diagnosis and intervention.
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