
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhljlb
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提到现代化我们不免会想到拔地而起的现代化城市建筑,繁华的都市,加速的快节奏生活,电视,网络,数码等等高新科技带来的产品等充斥着我们的传统思维观念。批评家们强调艺术当随时代,那么如果以此为准则的话,我们的艺术也必然应该走入现代化。本文以紧跟时代,以中国本土艺术转向现代化发展实验的中国当代油画艺术家为例,阐述现代化大环境下本土艺术现代化发展的必然性,同时对未来艺术的发展提出设想和质疑。 When it comes to modernization, we can not help but think of the modern urban architecture, the bustling metropolis, the fast-paced and accelerated lifestyles, the products brought by high-tech such as television, the internet, digital and so on, which are full of our traditional thinking. Critics emphasize art as time goes by, so if we use this as a criterion, our art must inevitably go into modernization. Taking contemporary Chinese oil painting artists who follow the trend of the times and turn their native art to the experiment of modernization, this paper illustrates the inevitability of the development of local art in a modernized environment and puts forward some ideas and doubts about the future development of art.
西瓜(Citrullus lanatus L.)是世界性园艺作物,中国西瓜栽培面积占世界第一位。而随着西瓜种植面积逐年扩大,连作栽培不可避免,连作障碍的问题也随之而来。因连作而引发的西