Therm odynamic Test at QIAN Xuesen Lab Succeeded

来源 :Aerospace China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:turandeji
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Recently,the thermodynamic characteristics ground theory test on the aerostat conducted at the QIAN Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology achieved success.The test aims at studying the characteristics of thermodynamics and buoyancy change of the aerostat under diferent outer-heat conditions.Initialy it was verified the theoretical model and the availability of application for infrared baloons in deep space exploration and near space,laying foundation for a design based on innovative ideas and theoretical studies.(WU Yao) Recently, the thermodynamic characteristics ground theory test on the aerostat conducting at the QIAN Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology achieve success. The testing aims at studying the characteristics of thermodynamics and buoyancy change of the aerostat under diferent outer-heat conditions. Itialy it was verified the theoretical model and the availability of application for infrared baloons in deep space exploration and near space, laying foundation for a design based on innovative ideas and theoretical studies. (WU Yao)
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