Wide-Band Multi-spectral Space for Color Representation

来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong524
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This paper develops a wide-band multi-spectral space for color representation with Aitken PCA algorithm. This novel mathematical space using the broad-band spectra matching method aims at improving the accuracy of color representation as well as reducing costs for processing and storing multi-spectral images. The results show that the space can present our experimental original spectral spaces (i.e. Munsell color matt and DIN-6164 color chips) with high efficiency, and that the spanning space with three eigenvectors can present the original space at more than 98% CSCR, and when 5 eigenvectors are used it can cover almost the whole original spaces.u001a30 patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 30 patients with panic attack (PA) and 30 normal control were assessed with EPQ and TABA (type A behavior assessment). Result: The two patient groups had more Type A behavior than normal control. They had also higher P score and N score in EPQ test than control. Among patients, there was significant positive correlation between P score and N score, and significant negative correlation between TH or CH score and P or N score. Conclusion: Neurotic patients have more Type A behavior and are more neuroticism and psychoticism. psychiatry personality case-control studies EPQ Type A behavior anxiety disorder$$$$ This paper develops a wide-band multi-spectral space for color representation with Aitken PCA algorithm. This novel mathematical space using color spectrum with color imaging with Aitken PCA algorithm. The results show that the space can present our experimental original spectral spaces (ie Munsell color matt and DIN-6164 color chips) with high efficiency, and that the spanning space with three eigenvectors can present the original space at more than 98% Patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 30 patients with panic attack (PA) and 30 normal control were assessed with EPQ and TABA (type A behavior assessment). Result: The two patient groups had more Type A behavior than normal control . They had also higher P score and N score in EPQ test than control. Among patients, there was significant positive correlation between P score and N score, and significant negative correlation between TH or CH score and P or N score. have more Type A behavior and are more neuroticism and psychoticism. psychiatry personality case-control studies EPQ Type A behavior anxiety disorder $$$$
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