
来源 :共产党人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superzf
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抓好党员干部的思想作风建设,是加强党的建设这一宏伟工程的一个重要内容。针对当前一些地方和部门领导班子和领导干部中存在的突出问题,笔者从强化领导班子、领导干部思想作风建设角度谈点看法和思考。要反对个人主义、好人主义倾向,增强党性和原则观念。中国共产党的宗旨就是全心全意为人民服务。能否真正做到时时处处以党和人民的利益为重,把党的事业、人民的利益看得高于一切,是为群众谋利益,还是为个人或少数人着想,这是衡量一个共产党员和领导干部够格不够格、称职不称职的最核心的标准。应当清醒地看到,在我们的领导干部中确有一些人对自己要求不严,有些干部主要心思和精力,不是放在事业上、为群众谋利益上,而是放在自己的位子、房子和孩子上。有的患得患失,对自己有利的事,就想尽一切办法去做,甚至违反原则、不顾群众反对也要去做;对自己没有好处或不利的事,就推诿,就躲避。有的在是非原则面前态度暧昧,正确的不敢坚 To do a good job in building the ideological style of party members and cadres is an important part of strengthening this grand project of party building. In view of the outstanding problems existing in the leading bodies and leading cadres in some localities and departments at present, the author talks about and thinks about how to strengthen the thinking and style of the leading bodies and leading cadres. We must oppose individualism and good-man tendencies and enhance our party spirit and the concept of principle. The purpose of the Chinese Communist Party is to serve the people wholeheartedly. Whether or not we can truly make every effort to safeguard the interests of the party and the people from time to time and see the party’s cause and the interests of the people above all else, whether for the interests of the masses or for the sake of individuals or minorities, And the leading cadres are not qualified, competent incompetence of the core criteria. It is necessary to be soberly aware that some of our leading cadres do not have strict demands on themselves and some of their cadres’ main ideas and energies are not placed in their careers and in the interests of the masses but on their own seats. And children. Some people find themselves in trouble and benefit others. They try their best to do everything they do or even violate the principle, regardless of the masses’ objections. If they do not benefit or disadvantage themselves, they will evade them. Some are ambiguous in the face of non-principle, the correct can not be strong
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