Deep-water Fan Systems and Petroleum Resources on the Northern Slope of the South China Sea

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangqianqian
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The shallow shelf delta/strand arenaceous-pelitic deposit region in the north of the Pearl River mouth basin, sitting on the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea, has already become an important oil production base in China. Recent researched has revealed that a great deal of deep-water fans of great petroleum potentiality exist on the Baiyun deep-water slope below the big paleo Pearl River and its large delta. Based on a The shallow shelf delta / strand arenaceous-pelitic deposit region in the north of the Pearl River mouth basin, sitting on the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea, has already become an important oil production base in China. great deal of deep-water fans of great petroleum potentiality exist on the Baiyun deep-water slope below the big paleo Pearl River and its large delta. Based on a
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【摘要】在需求分析基础上,以西南民族大学彝族学生为实验对象探索开发多元文化课程“彝族文化旅游英语”的可行性。通过问卷、访谈、听课与实地考察等方式来有效地获取研究对象的数据和信息,并对搜集到的数据进行分析,而后进行目标设定、教材开发探讨。    【关键词】多元文化课程;需求分析;课程设置;目标设定    引言    四川省是西部大开发的前沿,尤其是其旅游资源更是在全国,乃至全世界首屈一指的。同时四川
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