
来源 :中国地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mater
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国际活断层对比(IGCP)工作会议,于1985年11月5日—12日在我国召开。参加会议的有中国、美国、日本、新西兰、土耳其、英国、印度、尼泊尔、秘鲁9个国家的25位活断层研究者。会议分两个阶段举行,先在北京进行了学术交流,并讨论今后2—3年内的工作安排,然后各国代表到山东实地考察了郯庐断裂。决定了下次会议将于1987年在新西兰召开。 International Living Fault Correlation (IGCP) Work Conference was held in China from November 5 to November 12, 1985. Twenty-five active fault investigators from 9 countries including China, the United States, Japan, New Zealand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, India, Nepal and Peru attended the conference. The conference was held in two phases. First, an academic exchange was held in Beijing and the work arrangements for the next 2-3 years were discussed. Representatives of various countries then visited the Tan-Lu fault in Shandong. It is decided that the next meeting will be held in New Zealand in 1987.
本文对分子反应动力学和其它化学研究领域的发展方向进行了讨论。 This paper discusses the molecular reaction kinetics and other areas of development of chemical re
2007年5月2日,纪念李经梧诞辰95周年,逝世10周年暨一代太极大家李经梧武学研讨纪念会在北京举行。亚洲武术联合会名誉主席、原 May 2, 2007 Commemorating the 95th Anniver
本文介绍了在建设数字图书馆的过程中应该注意的问题。 This article describes the issues that should be noted in the construction of digital libraries.
EnSuisse,onutilisequatrelangues,donttroislanguesoffi cielles:allemand ,italien ,fran ais.LesFrancophonesenSuisseoc cupentuneproportio EnSuisse, onutilisequatrelangues, donttroislanguesoffi cielles: allemand, italien, fran ais.LesFrancophonesenSuisseoc cu
结合笔者多年工作体会,从思想素质、职业道德、业务水平以及工作能力等方面,简述现代图书馆员应具备的素质和能力。 Combined with the author’s many years of work exper