爱岗敬业 做编辑事业接班人

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本刊青年作者、编委肖宏荣获第五届中国青年科技奖,这是本刊青年作者、编委董耿荣获上届中国科协青年科技奖后,我国科技期刊编辑界又一位青年编辑获此殊荣。充分表明了党和国家对于科技期刊工作和科技期刊编辑人才的高度重视。本刊特函请肖宏同志简述获奖情况和获奖后感想。青年科技期刊工作者承担着21世纪繁荣和发展我国科技期刊编辑出版事业的重任。本刊从本期起特辟此专栏,欢迎在科技期刊工作各个岗位上的青年光临这块园地,倾吐心声。谈理想和抱负,谈感想和体会,互相交流,共同提高;反映情况和要求,提出意见和建议,促期刊深化改革,使期刊质量更高、效益更好,当好科技期刊编辑出版事业的接班人。 Our young author and editor-in-chief Xiao Hong won the Fifth China Youth Science and Technology Award, which is the young author of this magazine, editorial board Dong Geng Rong won the last China Association for Science and Technology Youth Science and Technology Award, China’s science and technology journals editor and a young editor Won this award. It fully shows that the party and the state attach great importance to the work of sci-tech periodicals and editors of sci-tech periodicals. Our special letter asked Comrade Xiao Hong briefing on the award-winning situation and after winning the impression. Young sci-tech periodicals workers bear the heavy responsibility of prospering and developing the editing and publishing of sci-tech periodicals in the 21st century. Since the beginning of this issue, this special edition of this column, welcome to work in science and technology journals in various positions of youth visit this piece of garden, pour their voices. Talk about feelings and expectations, talk about feelings and experiences, communicate with each other and work together to improve; Reflect the situation and requirements, put forward opinions and suggestions, promote periodicals to deepen the reform so that the quality of journals is higher and the benefits are better. people.
新年一到,春节也不远了,人们都开始考虑过年送礼的问题。这可是个让人大费脑筋的事情,到底送什么呢?既要让受者开心,又要让自己体面,还要别致新颖,真的相当辛苦。   保健品保健品是给老年人常用的礼物,但购买之前必须了解受礼者的详细健康状况,最好能细致咨询专业人士,因为最合适的保健品因人而异,如果与体质和生理状况不合,送错了反而影响亲友的健康。特别是老年人特别怕浪费东西,弃之实在可惜,食之可能有害,岂不
Objective To study the expression changes of IL-1β,FN-α6,IFN-γand TNFR-m18 in peripheral blood within 2 hours in epileptic mice.Methods Semi quantitative rea
本刊记者韩学春报道 由上海汽车齿轮总厂承办的全国汽车齿轮行业情报网成立20周年暨《汽车齿轮》杂志创刊20周年大会于1997年10月28日至30日在上海市迎园饭店召开。来自全国
一、用途与特点 KB型包装机是北京市商业机械研究所自1978年开始研制的小型自动包装机,它目前由KB-A、KB-B和KB-C三种机型组成初步的系列。 KB型包装机采用卷筒聚乙烯涂塑纸
本文观察了 20、 50、 100、 300、 400和1000毫秒6种持续时间在不同压力峰值下豚鼠的听力变化。通过实验找出了持续时间和安全压力峰值之间的修正关系。当压力峰值为145、150、155分贝时,持续时间在50-40毫秒