Vertical Migrating and Cluster Analysis of Soil Mesofauna at Dongying Halophytes Garden in Yellow Ri

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellosunday
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For the first time,we used Tullgren method made a study on vertical migrating and cluster analysis of the soil mesofauna in Dongying Halophytes Garden in the Yellow River Delta(YRD),Shandong Province.The results showed that the soil mesofauna tended to gather on soil surface in most samples at most times,but the vertical migrating greatly varied in different seasons or environment conditions.Acari was the dominant group.The index of diversity of the soil fauna was correlated with the index of evenness.The Acari’s number of individuals infected other species and numbers.Dominant group-Acari made greater contribution to the result of cluster analysis,and there were significant differences between communities in different habitats by cluster analysis with both Bray-Curtis and Jaccard similarity coefficient. For the first time, we used Tullgren method made a study on vertical migrating and cluster analysis of the soil mesofauna in Dongying Halophytes Garden in the Yellow River Delta (YRD), Shandong Province. The results showed that the soil mesofauna tended to gather on soil surface in most samples at most times, but the vertical migrating big change in different seasons or environment conditions. Acari was the dominant group. The index of diversity of the soil fauna was correlated with the index of evenness. The Acari’s number of individuals infected other species and numbers. Dominant group-Acari made greater contribution to the result of cluster analysis, and there were significant differences between communities in different habitats by cluster analysis with both Bray-Curtis and Jaccard similarity coefficient.
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