
来源 :南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moneymoneyoh
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雍乾词坛的最大特色在于学人群体大规模染指词学以致成为词坛之主导。在重科举、重经学的社会氛围下,雍乾学人咸视词为小道,多藉词体之重规叠矩来逞才斗巧,但同时又将其纳入学术研究的视域,以学术化的处理方式来提升词体的文化品格与社会身份。具体而言,他们或以尚“通”的学术思维去考察词史流变与风格流派,呈现出一种开放通达、众美兼收的宏通气象;或以朴学的方法去研究词体特性,不仅完善了词学研究体系,更使之成为雍乾学术的重要分支。在实际创作中,他们又以学问来提升胸襟,滋养人格,根据朝野不同的生存状态和对宇宙人生的不同感受,或出之以疏放之风,或见之以清幽之境,于哀感顽艳、缠绵婉约之外再拓词境。所以说,雍乾学人群体视词为小道却不以小道待之,反而将自身特有的胸襟、学养、史识以及学术思维等因素渗入其中,成功沟通了学术与词学,使得清词复兴大有进境,同时也为以后的词学发展建构了一种新的模式。 The most prominent feature of the YongQi etiquette lies in the fact that the mass of the learned scholarship is the dominant word in CiTu. Under the social atmosphere of heavy examination and heavy study, the students of the Xi and Qian dynasties regarded the term as a path, and they resorted more to the superficial and repetitive moments of Ci, but at the same time incorporated them into the academic field of study and academicized Approach to improve the cultural qualities of Ci and social identity. To put it concretely, they study the rheology and style genres of Ci and Ci in the academic thinking of Shang “Tong Tong ”, presenting a macro-communication with openness, beauty and harmony; or using Pu’s method to study the morphology Characteristics, not only perfected the research system of Ci study, but also made it an important branch of the academic society of the Xungang. In the actual creation, they again learn to enhance their minded, nourish their personality, according to the different state of life and the state of the opposition and the different feelings of the universe life, or out of the wind of dwindling, or see the quiet environment, in the sad stubborn Yan, linger graceful outside the extension of the word environment. Therefore, the Yong-Qian school of the people as the film but do not take the path as the trail, but its own unique mind, schooling, history and academic thinking and other factors into which the successful communication of academic and Ci study, making the Qing rejuvenation It also built a new model for the development of Ci study in the future.