
来源 :新疆农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweasd21
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我团成立于一九六六年,开始少量种植草木栖绿肥。经过几年实践,我们进一步认识到,填闲种植草木栖绿肥,是荒漠盐土地区改变生产条件,提高土壤肥力,发展农业生产的必由之路。一九七三年,我团种植的草木栖(12,130亩)已占播种面积的32%,一九七四年又增加到到33.7%。随着批林批孔的伟大胜利和草木栖绿肥效益的逐渐发挥,我团一九七二年实现了粮棉自给,一九七三年开始向国家提供商品粮棉。 I regiment was established in 1966, began planting a small amount of grass green manure. After several years of practice, we have further realized that the indiscriminate cultivation of vegetation and green manure is the only way to change production conditions, improve soil fertility and develop agricultural production in the desert salinity areas. In 1973, the herbaceous habitat planted by our regiment (12,130 mu) had accounted for 32% of the sown area and increased to 33.7% in 1974. With the great victory of Bailin Kong and the gradual realization of the benefits of vegetation and green manure, our group realized self-sufficiency in grain and cotton in 1972 and began supplying grain and cotton to the country in 1973.
Introduction. In some cases of hemiplegia the onset of yawning is associated w ith an involuntary raising of the paralyzed arm. Patients and method. Four obser
AUV是Autonomous Underwater Vehicle的缩写,意思是“无缆水下机器人”。一只小丑鱼闲来无事,在海中四处游荡。突然,它远远瞧见一只体型超大的黄色“大大大丑鱼”正在海中漫
那个冬天的雪下得天地间一片惨白。  李平常是在上第二节课时被接走的,听说是李平常的妈妈在班上出了点事,接他去医院看妈妈。李平常走出教室时还转过头来对我说:“老师,把我中午的饭打出来,我回来吃。”他们坐上停在楼下的吉普车,扬长而去。我望着远去的车在洁白的雪地上压出的痕迹,心提到了嗓子眼儿。  中午,那盒打出来的饭菜,在我的办公桌上放到一丝热气都没有了,李平常也没有回来。  傍晚时,有消息传来,李平常
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。“门闩”与“心闩”@陈鲁民$郑州测绘学院 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view p
结肠CT仿真内镜 (CTVE)是新近发展起来的结肠息肉和结肠癌检测手段。该技术通过将螺旋CT产生的容积数据与计算机软件图形处理技术相结合产生出结肠的二维、三维图像 ,从而为
Background: Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) is the adult variant of X-linked adre noleukodystrophy. The disease pathology is usually limited to spinal cord and pe r