集思广益 完善提高——经济核算制座谈会侧记

来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wai123414
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九月下旬,邮电部政策研究室在石家庄市召开了有十三个省、市邮电管理局参加的完善邮电经济核算制座谈会。会上,对当前推行的邮电企业经济核算制进行了评价,肯定了已经取得的成绩,并结合实践中存在的问题,从以下四个方面提出了进一步完善的意见。一、对邮电企业产品目录的修改意见。会上一致认为,调整和增设产品目录,应“宜粗不宜细,宜少不宜多”。对产品单位成本差异较大的,产品数量较大的,涉及省份较多且影响省间利益较大的,应予以调整或增设产品目录,对影响不大且可采用其他方法解决的,不宜再增设新的产品目录。大家建议:①把商品包裹从包件产品中分列出来,设商品包裹产品;②把中、小同轴电缆分开,暂不分四管、八管;③长途架空明线中的铜、铝、铁线建 In late September, the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications held a symposium in Shijiazhuang Municipality to improve the system of post and telecommunications economic accounting with the participation of thirteen provincial and municipal post and telecommunications authorities. At the meeting, the current implementation of postal and telecommunications enterprise economic accounting system was evaluated, affirmed the achievements have been made, combined with the problems in practice, from the following four aspects to further improve the views. First, the revision of the postal products catalog views. The meeting agreed that the adjustment and addition of product catalogs should be “should be fine should not be fine, should be less should not be more.” If the product cost is quite different and the product quantity is relatively large and the province has a large number of interests and the interests in the province are large, it should be adjusted or the catalog of products added. If the product cost is not large and can be solved by other methods, it is not appropriate Add a new product catalog. We suggest that: ① the parcels of goods from the package products are listed, set the product package products; ② the small and medium-sized coaxial cable separate, temporarily not four tubes, eight tubes; ③ overhead overhead lines in the copper, aluminum, Wire construction
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