
来源 :国防科技工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ananluo2009
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最近,国防科工委公布了国防科技重点实验室运行评估结论,对“超精密 加工技术”等3个被评估为不合格的实验室实施了摘牌处理,这是自“八五” 初期启动国防科技重点实验室建设计划以来,首次落实了退出机制。这项处理 措施引起了广泛的关注。 建立国防科技重点实验室,是国家为加强探索性、创新性的基础研究和突 破重大国防关键技术,抢占世界军事科技战略制高点而做出的战略性部署,集 人力、物力、资金等各种资源于一身的国防重点实验室被赋予了支撑、推动国 Recently, the Commission of Science, Technology, Sports, Science, Technology and Industry announced the conclusion of the operation evaluation of key laboratories of national defense science and technology and delisted three laboratories assessed as unqualified, such as “ultra-precision machining technology.” This is the first time since the start of the “8th Five-Year Plan” Science and Technology Key Laboratory construction plan, the first implementation of the exit mechanism. This measure has caused widespread concern. The establishment of a key laboratory of national defense science and technology is a strategic deployment made by the state to strengthen exploratory and innovative basic research and breakthrough in key national defense technologies and to seize the commanding height of the world’s military science and technology strategy. Various resources such as manpower, material resources and funds are set. In a national defense key laboratory was given support to promote the country
四川省核事故应急协调委员会正式成立 根据《国家核应急计划》和国家核应急2005年工作要 点,为了加强四川省核应急工作的组织领导,落实国家“常 备不懈,积极兼容、统一指挥、
2005年,农历鸡年,被洪叶俊定位 为“雄起”之年。正是这一年,他旗下 的新月品牌从单一的PC延伸到MP3等数 码领域,并且实现了服务部门自己养活 自己,更在半年内连开8家大型“
全球第一款支持微软64位中文操作系统的杀毒软件在瑞星公司开发完毕,并已经通过微软中国技术中心的测试。 The world’s first anti-virus software that supports Microsof
本报讯记者马天蔚报道3月9日,IBM与金蝶国际软件集团有限公司宣布签署基于IBM“开发商互利计划”(简称IAA)的战略合作协议。根据协议,金蝶承诺将IBM DB2数据库和eServer服务
市场像个运动场,每个商家就是运动场上的运动员,裁判就是产品的买家。在下面短短的3分钟里,我们就暂时使用一下这裁判的权利吧! 姑且分成两个队: 一支是国外品牌队,洋气十足,
The SG is drawing up the 11 th Five-Year Plan and a report on 2020 long-term planning for power grid development. Preliminary analyses indicate that the corpora