,Whole-course management of interventional treatment in liver cancer patients with portal hypertensi

来源 :介入医学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qf1987227
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Primary liver cancer often occurs in patients with hepatitis and cirrhosis.Some patients have portal hypertension due to cirrhosis,and present with varying degrees of collateral circulation,splenomegaly and hypersplenism,ascites,and liver dysfunction.It often interferes with the treatment of tumors and affects the disease prognosis.There are inteationally recognized guidelines for interventional treatment of liver cancer and portal hypertension which will not be repeated in this paper.This paper focuses on how to treat portal hypertension and intervene with tumors in the treatment of liver cancer to optimize the management of patients with liver cancer and portal hypertension.We propose that the Interventional Management Mode of Liver Cancer with Portal Hypertension can improve the treatment of liver cancer patients with portal hypertension.
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