Transfusion medicine education in the United States:a review for International medical audiences

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Background US and international medical audiences not infrequently inquire about the US medical education system with regards to the training of transfusion medicine specialists.Methods Relevant websites were reviewed to summarize the current methods by which technologists or specialists in blood banking and physicians specializing in transfusion medicine are trained in the US.Results Specialized training in blood bank/transfusion medicine requires additional years of education and specific certifications.Medical technologists/medical laboratory specialists can pursue additional training to become technologists and/or specialists in blood banking.Similarly,physicians can pursue fellowship training in transfusion medicine.Conclusion The education of future specialists in transfusion medicine is particularly important for maintaining the field’s tradition of growth and development.This is true at the level of the medical laboratory scientist and at the level of the physician. Background US and international medical audiences not infrequently inquire about the US medical education system with regards to the training of transfusion medicine specialists .Methods Relevant websites were reviewed to summarize the current methods by which technologists or specialists in blood banking and physicians specializing in transfusion medicine are trained in the US.Results Specialized training in blood bank / transfusion medicine requires additional years of education and specific certifications. Medical technologists / medical laboratory specialists can pursue additional training to become technologists and / or specialists in blood banking.Similarly, physicians can pursue fellowship training in transfusion medicine. Confc The education of future specialists in transfusion medicine is particularly important for maintaining the field’s tradition of growth and development. This is true at the level of the medical laboratory scientist and at the level of the physician.
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