
来源 :工会信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdwkevin
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近年来,舟山市定海区总工会用“加减法”做好工会工作,以优质服务赢民心,推动了工会工作的创新发展。不重形式重实效。服务职工讲求实效,不摊排场,不搞仪式。去年的“金秋助学”改变了以往集中发放的形式,助学金直接打到受助对象银行卡上,这样既取得了帮扶实效,又照顾到受助对象的感受。会议精简且高效。会议活动由办公室统筹,多会合一的“一会制”成为常态,必开的会议也严格控制数量、规模、 In recent years, the General Union of Dinghai District of Zhoushan City has used the “Addition and Subtraction Law” to carry out the work of trade unions, won the hearts of the people through good service and promoted the innovation and development of trade union work. Do not weigh the form of pragmatic. Service workers stress practical results, not stalls, do not engage in ceremonies. Last year, “Golden Autumn School” changed the form of centralized distribution. Bursary grants went directly to the beneficiary bank card. This not only achieved the objective of helping but also benefiting the recipients. Meetings are streamlined and efficient. Conference activities from the co-ordination of the office, will be more than unity, “a system” has become the norm, the meeting must also open strictly control the number, size,
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