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罗杰斯是美国当代人本主义心理学的主要创建者之一、著名的个性心理学家、心理治疗专家和教育改革家。他的许多观点现今已被广泛接受,产生了深远的影响,半个世纪之后如何理解罗杰斯和他的思想,对于心理咨询界的学习者有着突出的意义。本文从心理史学的角度,通过精神分析等,结合罗杰斯的生活经历和思想旅程,对作为心理学家的罗杰斯的成长史做一个了解和理解的尝试。而这样一个视角对于我们自身在心理咨询与治疗道路上的探索带来的启发和警示,亦是本文希望能得以初步呈现的。 Rogers is one of the major founders of contemporary humanistic psychology in the United States, a prominent personality psychologist, psychotherapist, and educational reformer. Many of his ideas are now widely accepted and have far-reaching implications. How to understand Rogers and his thoughts half a century later is of great significance to learners in the psychology community. This article attempts to understand and understand Rogers ’growth history as a psychologist from the perspective of psychological history through psychoanalysis, combining with Rogers’ life experience and thought journey. And such a perspective on our own psychological counseling and treatment in the exploration of the road to bring enlightenment and warning, the hope of this article can be initially presented.
利用多媒体手段改进教学,对提高科学教学质量具有五大优势。  一、可变静为动,使学生兴趣浓、积极性高  小学生神经系统活动的内抑制能力差,注意力容易分散,无意注意占优势。根据这一特点,在科学教学中充分利用多媒体手段,把静止的事物变成活动的,能激发学生的兴趣,吸引学生的注意,调动学生的学习积极性。例如,教学《影子》时,教师可在打开的多媒体的光柱前,用手做成马、兔、狗等动物的活动头型,并时开时关多媒体,
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The Wall Trimmer and the Floor Trimmer referred in the present project is developed in the light of the practical problems in the building industry including th
土槿皮乙酸(Pseudolaric acid B,PAB)是从松科植物金钱松根皮——土槿皮中分离得到的一种二萜酸化合物。具有抗真菌、抗生育、抗肿瘤、止血及胆囊自截等作用。近年来其抗肿瘤
On the morning of September 28,the topping-out ceremony of the China International Exhibition Center (New) was held at the Seventh Pavilion of the New CIEC in T
1临床资料 本组均为1992年~1999年5月,在我院口腔门诊确诊后接受治疗的患者,共300例,根据溃疡的数量、大小与深浅的不同,分为轻型口疮和口腔性口炎二种类型: ①轻型口疮 溃疡微凹,多见于唇内侧、
胫骨平台骨折为关节内损伤 ,多有关节面的塌陷及半月板和交叉韧带的损伤 ,因此治疗要求较高 ,即要尽可能恢复关节面的平整 ,又要防止关节僵硬和创伤性关节炎的发生。我院自 1
The plates with 20mm thickness of 7A52 aluminum alloy were welded by electron beam welding and TANDEM welding with ER5356 filler,respectively.The microstructure
1996~1998年笔者运用中西医结合方法治疗急性病毒性淤胆型肝炎50例,同期与运用西药治疗的42例对照,现将结果报道如下。1 临床资料92例均为本院传染科住院病人,均符合1995年5