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《梅克斯》 故事梗概 一九一八年的德国慕尼黑,出身犹太富家的梅克斯·罗斯曼(约翰·库萨克饰)因在战争中失去了右臂,成为大画家的梦想也被粉碎。在妻子尼娜(莫莉·帕克饰)和父母的支持下,他开始用另一种方式实现自己的梦想:为画家们提供展出的场所。他把一个巨大的仓库改建成画廊,请乔治·格罗兹等现代派画家作画。自己暗中与一位年轻的女画家李瑟罗(莉莉·索比斯基饰)来往。 “Mexes” Synopsis The dream of becoming a great painter in 1918 in Munich, Germany, by Max Kosman, a Jewish rich man, was lost by the right arm during the war Smash With the support of his wife Nina (Molly Parker) and his parents, he began to make his dream come true in another way: providing the artists with places to exhibit. He converted a huge warehouse into a gallery, drawing modernist painters such as George Groz. In secret with a young woman painter Li Se Luo (Lily Sobieski ornaments) from.
化肥易吸湿受潮、分解和挥发,做好冬储,保持原有肥效,减少损失,十分必要。 1、化肥库应干燥、通风、阴凉避光。底部应垫木板、木架或油毡,上盖麻袋或塑料薄膜布。堆码时不要
The title compound 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-[5-(pyrid-4-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]urea (C14H10ClN5OS, Mr = 331.79) has been synthesized by the reaction of 2-amino-5
Based on the standpoint to take for the crack size also to be a damage variable like the damage variable, by means of the two-directions coordinate system, seve
农业科技人员必备读物 推荐《农业科技工作者指南──从选题立项到成果转化》徐志刚(上海市农业科学院上海201106)农业是国民经济中重要的基础产业,农业要发展,必须依靠科技进步。随着
Radiology. 2008 Apr;247(1):170-8.PURPOSE: To prospectively perform longitudinal magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion imaging of conservatively treated low-gradegli
In order to explore the mineral resources buried in sea mud,it is necessary to use seabed resistivity measuring equipment,which works closer to the sediments th
本文概述151-3/4大型计算机系统的特点并给出一个简要的系统可靠性分析。 This article outlines the features of the 151-3 / 4 mainframe computer system and gives a b