国家减灾委发布紧急通知 要求做好山洪地质灾害转移工作

来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mumuww
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国家减灾委员会7月15日发出紧急通知,要求扎实做好山洪地质灾害避险转移,确保人民群众生命安全。据了解,今年以来,我国部分地区入汛提前,大范围强降雨集中且持续时间长,南方多省份相继发生严重暴雨洪涝、风雹和地质灾害,涉及地域广、受灾人数多、造成损失重。通知要求,各地区、各有关部门要做好山洪地质灾害群众避险转移安置工作,指导学校、医院、敬老 On July 15, the National Disaster Reduction Committee issued an urgent circular calling for a solid foundation for the hedging and transfer of mountain torrent geological hazards and ensuring the safety of people’s lives. It is understood that since the beginning of this year, floods in some areas of our country have been advanced ahead of schedule. Large areas of heavy rainfall have been concentrated and have a long duration. Severe storm floods, hail and geological disasters have occurred in many southern provinces, involving a large area and a large number of victims, resulting in heavy losses. The circular requires that all localities and all relevant departments should do a good job of hedging, relocating and relocating flood victims of geological disasters, and provide guidance to schools, hospitals and respectable people
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1引言1.1数据来源和分析方法1.1.1比较优势的衡量考察一国的比较优势通常有两种方法:一种是用净出口比率(Net Trade Ratio,NTR)指数来衡量一国或地区的比较优势,它由净出口占
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