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咳嗽,一种因咽喉和气管受到刺激而引发的症状。对此,避犹不及,何言自救术? 其实这绝非天方夜谭。主动、有效、发自肺腑的咳嗽,确属一种行之有效的心脏意外和晕厥的自救术。在美国,许多大医院的心脏病监护病房,病人都要首先接受一种咳嗽自救训练和告诫,以便在心脏发生意外来不及呼救或医务人员未来得及抢救时,作为一种应急的复苏自救术。 老年人和心血管病人猝不及防的死亡中,有50%至70%缘于心脏意外,而其中半数以上是在发病后半小时内死亡的。实践证
目的应用经颅彩色多普勒超声(TCCD)探查烟雾病患者STA-MCA bypass+EDMS手术治疗前后患侧颞浅动脉(STA)、大脑中动脉(MCA)、大脑后动脉(PCA)及桥血管血流频谱变化特点,探讨TCC
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A scheme is proposed to elevate the limitation of the ground application system of mono-satellite-sensor under the requirement of remote sensing satellite groun
<正>A novel scheme, namely united stabilizing scheme for edge delay, is introduced in optical burst switched networks. In the scheme, the limits of burst length
This paper analyzes the Parallel Packet Switch(PPS) architecture and studies how to guarantee its performance. Firstly a model of Stable PPS (SPPS) is proposed.
<正>Most of the blind Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) estimators necessitate large number of samples to ensure
<正> 利用植物的转化系统将外源基因导入植物体内并插入到染色体上,经过组织培养及植株再生,可获得插入有外源基因并具生物活性功能且稳定遗传的工程植株。对不同植物,外源基