构筑绿色屏障 造福各族人民——新疆维吾尔自治区林业建设50年

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一新疆幅员辽阔,全境地貌轮廓为“三山夹两盆”。南有喀喇昆仑山,北有阿尔泰山,东西有天山横亘其间,将160多万平方公里的土地分为南疆和北疆。南疆有塔里木盆地,北疆有准噶尔盆地,盆地中分别有我国第一、第二大沙漠———塔克拉玛干和古尔通古特沙漠。由于远离海洋, A vast territory of Xinjiang, the territory of the contours of “three mountain folder two basins.” There are Karakorum Mountains to the south, Altai Mountains to the north and Tianshan Mountains to the east and west. It divides more than 1.6 million square kilometers of land into southern and northern Xinjiang. There are Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang, Junggar Basin in northern Xinjiang, the basin has the first and second largest desert --- Taklimakan and Ghorgongtu desert. As far away from the ocean,
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干什么最难?要是以前有人问我,我肯定说不出答案。但现在,——“当官”呗!尽管“大权在握”,我却多了一肚子“苦水”。 What is hardest to do? If someone asked me before,
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