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年逾一百周岁的苏步青老师离我们而去了!他走得那样安详,那样无声无息,但在我们内心深处却引起了汹涌的波涛。复旦校门口“深切悼念苏老师”的醒目横幅,数学楼前学生自发扎成的白色纸鹤,都在无言地告诉我们:复旦失去了一位伟人,我们失去了可敬可亲的师长。然而,也正是在这样的时候,老师高大的形象更加鲜活地出现在我们的面前,我们对他比往日更增添了无比的崇敬。老师将自己的一生献给了数学,在仿射空间曲面论方面作出了杰出贡献,国外权威学者称他为“东方第一几何学家”。可以毫不夸张地说,他是当时中国学习现代数学并作出突出成就的第一人。更可贵的是,他在早年留学日本学成归国 Mr. Su, who is over a hundred years old, has left us! He walked so peacefully and silently, but in our hearts, it caused turbulent waves. Fudan school gate “deep mourning for teacher Su ” eye-catching banners, math students spontaneous tie into a white paper crane, are speechless to tell us: Fudan lost a great man, we lost respectable and amiable Teacher However, precisely at this time, the tall image of the teacher appeared more vividly in front of us, and we have greatly admired him more than in the past. The teacher dedicated his life to mathematics and made outstanding contributions in affine space surface theory. Foreign authoritative scholars call him “Oriental First Geometer”. It is no exaggeration to say that he was the first Chinese to learn modern mathematics and make outstanding achievements. Even more valuable is that he studied in the early years of study in Japan
草明同志从延安来到解放不久的哈尔滨市以后,我就认识了她。那是1946年或1947年。那时草明32-33岁,我刚满20。我当时正在哈尔滨市中苏友好协会工作。 友协会址座落在道里区
Strained-Si_(0.73)Ge_(0.27) channels are successfully integrated with high-κ/metal gates in p-type metal-oxide- semiconductor field effect transistors(pMOSFETs
“哪里有市场,哪里就有浙江人,这已成了浙江精神的延续,300万浙江人在外创市场,一年实现营业收入6200亿元。”这是记者从浙江省政府协作办获悉的。 据初步统计,目前浙江省共
In this paper, we propose and experimentally investigate a linearly polarized narrow-linewidth random fiber laser(RFL) operating at 1080 nm and boost the output
A cyclometalated greenish-yellow emitter 2,3-diphenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine iridium(Ⅲ) complex is successfully synthesized and used to fabricate phosphorescent
<正>近日,在拉斯维加斯举办的2017年国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)上,音频专家Sennheiser推出新MOMENTUM In-Ear无线耳机产品,把尖端的声学设计与蓝牙4.1、AAC编解码器支持以