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我国东南沿海得改革开放风气之先,相继创办了一批过去国人听起来感到陌生的经济特区、保税区、经济技术开发区,它与沿海开放城市和开放地区一起,构筑起全国多层次、全方位、梯次推进、成龙配套、互为补充的大开放格局。 福州更具特色,国办、侨办、民办开发区三足鼎立,成为闽江口的新景观。几年弹指一挥间,各类开发区投资区转眼长大了、壮实了,开始在国民经济全局中发挥领头雁、顶梁柱和辐射源的作用,成为闽江口经济圈中最具活力的亮点。 ——福州经济技术开发区是1985年经国务院批准正式成立的国家级开发区,经过11年的发展,已 In the southeastern coastal areas of our country, the reform and opening up was followed by the establishment of a number of special economic zones, bonded areas and economic and technological development zones that used to sound unfamiliar to foreigners. Together with the open coastal cities and open areas, it has built a multi-level and comprehensive , Echelon promotion, Jackie Chan supporting each other to complement the open pattern. Fuzhou more features, State-run, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Private Development Zone, the three pillars of the trip, a new landscape of the Minjiang River estuary. In recent years, all kinds of investment zones in the zone have grown up and become strong. They started to play a leading role in the overall national economy and become the most energetic bright spot in the economic circle of the Minjiang River estuary. . - Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone was approved by the State Council in 1985 formally established a state-level development zone, after 11 years of development, has
每个女人都有属于自己的故事。每个女人的故事。都是一道风景线…… Every woman has their own story. Every woman’s story. Is a landscape ... ...
以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,带动长江流域地区经济的新崛起,已成为加快我国现代化建设的一项重大战略举措。这给毗邻长江三角洲的马鞍山市提供了难得的历史性机遇。 马鞍山是
AIM: To investigate the tumor-suppressive effect of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted from chromosome (PTEN) in human gastric cancer cells that were
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