乘胜前进 再上台阶

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对当前的护林防火,人们亦喜亦忧。喜的是,继前年藩林火灾发生次数、成灾面积、受害面积下降到历史最低水平之后,去年,火灾次数、受灾面积、伤亡人数、火灾受害率,又分别比1987年下降了41%、13.8%、59.5%和51%,再度创造了历史最低水平,上了一个台阶。忧的是,一些地方隐患未除,今年气象等不利因子较往年增多,形势严峻。人们不无忧虑地说,森林火灾大体有个规律可循。这就是,继一个森林火灾高发年份之后,往往会出现两三个低发年份,接着又来一个高峰。大家分析,之所以为此,是因为火灾高峰 The current forest fire prevention, people are happy and worried. The good news is that the number of fires, the number of affected areas, the number of casualties and the number of fire victims dropped by 41% over 1987 respectively in the past year after the number of forest fires, the area affected and the area of ​​victims dropped to their lowest level in history. 13.8%, 59.5% and 51%, once again created the lowest level in history, to a higher level. The worry is that hidden dangers in some places have not been eradicated, and unfavorable factors such as meteorology have increased more than in previous years this year. The situation is grim. People said without any worries that forest fires generally have a law to follow. That is, two or three low-fat years often occur, followed by another peak, following the year when a forest fire is high. We analyze, the reason for this is because of the fire peak
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人头马VSOP携手“亚洲超人气天王”杨坤6月11日在上海安琪瑞娜酒吧上演了一场美酒与活力交相辉映的“用心跳”劲舞派对,为时尚达人带来一次动感体验。 Remy VSOP hand in ha