Exploring Contradictions Between English Teachers’ Teaching approach and their Self—evaluation

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  Abstract:Throughout the history, influenced by traditional teaching theories, teaching approaches which teachers use in class can be generalized into deep-rooted simple thinking. That is to say, teachers transmit knowledge in class and students are forced to accept and memorize it passively without taking students’ ability to explore and analyze into consideration. Teachers’ self-evaluation is not only regarded as important link of school management and the accelerator of teachers specified development, but it can raise teachers’ awareness to promote self-reflection and self-perfection. Therefore, the author conducts research between teaching method and self-evaluation of teacher, and come to conclusion that there exists the tension between teaching method and self-evaluation of teacher.
  Keywords: Teaching approach; Self-evaluation; Assessment
  1. Introduction
  Teaching approach, a familiar term for educators and students, is considered as a series of activities adopted by teachers to achieve concrete teaching objective. Besides, teaching method is of paramount importance in guiding and regularizing teaching process as a core element of teaching. Despite of the importance of the two subjects, teaching approaches and teachers’ self-evaluation, there exists tension between teaching approaches and self-evaluation. Similarly, teachers are unaware that their descriptions and assessments of what teaching methods they use in the class are unfit with what they do in class. As a result, this research aims to explore the tension and explain the reasons for its existence.
  2. Methodology
  Of all the several questions in the larger study, here we address the following two:
  What is the relationship between teachers’ teaching approach and self-evaluation?
  What kinds of tensions does this relationship highlight?
  2.1 participants
  Participants were a volunteer sample of three experienced EFL teachers working at one senior school in Chong Qing. Based on voluntary principle, we conduct interviews, class observation, and follow-up interviews in three months. The personal information of participants are presented in table1.
  2.2 data collection and analysis
  The findings of this study have clear implications for both research methodology and teacher education. We would argue that it is not enough for language teachers cognition research to identity differences, or tensions between teachers’ teaching approach and their self-evaluation; rather attempts need to be made to explore, acknowledge and understand the underlying reasons behind such tensions. Collaborative exploration of any tensions which emerge is also desirable and the teacher learning that ensues from such dialogic exploration of teachers’ teaching approach and self-assessment has, we believe, the potential to be more meaningful and lasting.
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  [2]王紅艳. 大学英语教师的教学信念和教学方法的个案研究[J]. 哈尔滨学院学报,2009(1): 134-139.
  [3]钟启泉. 教学方法:概念的诠释[J]. 教育研究,2017(1): 95-105.
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摘要:在整体语言观下进行小学英语词汇教学的教学实践中,教师需要关注学生的最近发展区,使学生通过自身努力和教师的指导,提升英语语言水平,进而形成语言学习的良性循环。  关键词:支架理论;小学英语词汇教学  一、小学英语词汇课的支架教学  整体语言观下,词汇学习要求学生不能将词汇进行“死记硬背”,只跟着教师做简单机械重复的操练;其次,整体语言观下进行词汇教学,要求教师在讲解词汇的过程中,要帮助学生在头
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摘要:广西是一个少数民族聚居区,各民族在世代传承中形成了自己独特别的民族风貌,为人类留下了许多优秀的传统文化,有着极高的艺术价值。让广西少数民族优秀传统文化在高中美术教育中绽放艺术之光,不仅鲜活了美术教学内容,丰富了教学形式,还培养了高中生对传统文化的理解和认同,从而增强学生弘扬民族文化的责任感和使命感。  关键词:广西少数民族;优秀传统文化;高中美术教育;绽放艺术之光  广西历史悠久,世居民族有
摘要:游戏是促进小学生精神成长不可或缺的一种形式,也是小学生的独特表现形式。游戏在教学中的应用自古以来就有记录,随着中国教育教学的不断发展,已经引起了社会的广泛关注。 就小学语文教学而言,课堂游戏有利于促进学生了解世界,最初体验世界,并通过游戏获得成长,发展和交流的实践经验。孩子们的天性喜欢游戏,教师可以通过游戏化的课堂环境吸引学生的注意力,使他们能够更牢固地掌握知识,锻炼他们的注意力,合作和协调
摘要:在幼儿教育这个启蒙教育阶段,语言教学是一个至关重要的教学内容,此时应该注重培养和提升幼儿的语言表达能力,在教学模式要注重创新,这样才能更好地实现教学目标。幼儿教师在实际教学过程中,应该营造轻松自在的教学氛围,注重联系现实生活,创造多听、多说、多练的语言环境,还要特别关注词汇教学的开展,这样才能促进幼儿更加愿意张口说话,变得善于语言表达。  关键词:幼儿教育;语言表达能力;培养;重要性;策略 
摘要:写作是社会发展的需要,是现代人应该具备的一种基本能力。它能充分体现学生的观察能力、记忆能力、想象能力、思辨能力和表达能力,是检验学生综合素质的重要工具,同时也是一个人综合能力最真、最好、最全面的体现。它能够最大程度地反映学生的真实水平,也能为将来的学习、工作奠定良好的基础。  关键词:语文教学;写作能力;培养  在中考语文中,作文分数占的比例为41.7%。可以看出,作文分数的提高对语文成绩的